Rejection hurts. It’s incredibly painful to feel like you’re not wanted— and we do mean painful. fMRI studies have found that rejection elicits brain activity in multiple neural regions that process physical pain. And the language we use to describe rejection mirrors this experience. Researchers recorded over a dozen languages that relate rejection to being hurt, using terms like “crushed” or “broken-hearted.” So why does rejection trigger such a strong response, and is there any way to cope with this unique kind of pain? 被拒绝让人痛苦。 感觉到不受人欢迎 会让人痛彻心扉, 没错,“痛”彻心扉。 fMRI(功能性磁共振成像)研究 表明遭到拒绝会引发 多个神经区域的大脑活动, 这些区域负责处理物理疼痛。 我们对被拒绝的描述 印证了这种体验。 研究者记录了许多 将被拒绝与受伤 相关联的描述,这些描述使用了 一些词语,如“崩溃”、“心碎”。 那么为什么遭到拒绝 会引发这么强烈的反应, 有没有什么办法可以让我们 应对这种独特的疼痛呢?