08 In the hands of the citizens(11)

08 In the hands of the citizens(11)


  'Charles Evrémonde, you are an emigrant. All emigrants must die. That is the new law of France. '
  'Kill him!'shouted the people. 'Cut off his head!He's an enemy of the people!'
  The President of the judges asked Darnay, 'Is it true that you lived many years in England '
  'Yes, that is true, 'replied Darnay.
  So you are an emigrant, surely. '
  'No, not in the meaning of the law, 'replied Darnay. 'I earn my own living in England. I have never wanted or used the name of Marquis, and I did not want to live by the work of the poor people of France. So I went to live and work in England, long before the Revolution. '
  'And did you marry in England '
  'Yes, I married a Frenchwoman. The daughter of Dr Manette, a prisoner of the Bastille and a well-known friend of all good citizens!'

  首席法官问代尔那:“你在英国住了很多年,这属实吗 ”
  “那么你在英国结婚了吗 ”

  • 狮院的莱蒂
