你不是真正地快乐:认识微笑忧郁症 II|2023年12月号

你不是真正地快乐:认识微笑忧郁症 II|2023年12月号


Do you ever hide your feelings? Why?

Some people experience smiling depression more often than others. For example, in many cultures, men are taught that depression is a weakness. So, they learn not to show it. 

What should you do to help someone with smiling depression? Check in with people and support them. Let them know it’s OK to show their weakness, or not to be OK. Tell them they don’t have to deal with problems all by themselves. Help them find a therapist to talk to. Don’t dismiss their emotions. There are many ways to deal with this problem. Medicine, exercise, good sleep, and healthy food can all help people with smiling depression.


有些人比其他人更常经历微笑忧郁症。举例来说,在很多文化中, 男性会被灌输忧郁是一种软弱的表现。因此,他们学着不把这种情绪表现出来。 

你该如何帮助一位微笑忧郁症患者?关心并支持他们。让他们知道 表现出脆弱的一面或是不完美是没关系的。告诉他们,问题并不必全靠自己来处理。帮助他们找寻心理医师进行咨商。别不理会他们的情绪。 有许多方法能应对微笑忧郁症。药物、运动、良好的睡眠和健康的饮食 都对患者有所帮助。

1. experience (v.)经历

Sam experienced many hard times this year, so he took a break from work.

Sam 今年经历了很多磨难,所以他决定先不工作,休息一下。

2. culture (n.)文化

Billy went to a foreign country and enjoyed the different culture there.

Billy 出国,并在当地享受了不同的文化。

3. emotion (n.)情绪

The movie made me scared, happy, and sad. It really touched my emotions!


4. sleep (n.)睡眠

People should try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night.


