第11章03. The Thornfi

第11章03. The Thornfi


  'You see,Mr Rochester clearly prefers her to any of the other ladies.'
  'Yes,he does seem to admire her,'admitted the housekeeper.
  'And she admires him.Notice how she looks at him!But I haven't really seen her face yet.I'd like to.”
  'You'll see her tonight,'answered Mrs Fairfax.'I mentioned to the master that Adèle wanted to be introduced to the ladies,and he asked you to bring her down to meet them this evening.'
  'Well,I'll go if he wants me to,but I don't like meeting strangers.I'm not used to it.'
  'I understand how you feel,'said the old lady kindly,'but the guests won't notice you much,and you can easily escape after a short time.'
So Adèle and I,dressed in our best,were waiting as the ladies came into the sitting-room after dinner.I was most impressed by the beauty and elegance of all of them,but was especially fascinated by the Ingram family .Lady Ingram,although between forty and fifty,was still a fine woman.Her hair still looked black,by candle-light at least,and her teeth still seemed perfect.But she had fierce,proud eyes,that reminded me of aunt Reed's,and a hard,powerful voice.Her daughter Mary was rather quiet,but her other daughter Blanche was very different.As soon as the gentlemen came into the room and coffee was served,she became the centre of attention.She played the piano excellently,she sang sweetly,she discussed intelligently,and all the time her flashing eyes,rich black curls and fine figure attracted glances from every gentleman in the room.

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  • EleanorCTO
