


1.According to Economic Daily, the Northeast region has superior natural resources, diverse ecological types, and the advantage of "high beauty", as well as a fertile soil for the development of "high value". The overall revitalization of the Northeast has never been simply "going back to the past", but to maintain a state of progress, seize every major opportunity in the tide of the times, and become a strong strategic support to promote Chinese path to modernization.

1. 据经济日报报道,东北地区自然资源优越,生态类型多样,具有“高颜值”的优势,也厚植着发展“高价值”的沃土。东北全面振兴,从来都不是简单地“回到过去”,而是保持进行时的状态,把握时代大潮中每一次重大机遇,成为推进中国式现代化强有力的战略支撑。

2.According to CCTV News Client, October 2nd is the last day of Hong Kong's Mid Autumn Festival National Day public holiday. The Shenzhen Bay Port has welcomed a wave of Hong Kong passengers leaving the country, with a daily inbound and outbound passenger flow of 127000, setting a new record for passenger flow at the Shenzhen Bay Port in recent years.

2. 央视新闻客户端消息,10月2日是香港此次中秋国庆公众假期最后一日。深圳湾口岸迎来了香港旅客出境潮,当日出入境客流量高达12.7万人次,创造了深港两地近年来深圳湾口岸客流新纪录。

3.According to the Securities Times, in September, the total land acquisition amount of 50 representative enterprises decreased by 24.0% month on month and 57.5% year-on-year. From January to September, the total land acquisition amount of the top 100 real estate enterprises decreased by 17.9% year-on-year. Among them, state-owned enterprises account for over 60% of the land acquisition amount. From the perspective of added value, Poly Development, China Resources Land, and China Overseas Real Estate rank among the top three on the list. After the new policy, the temperature rise of land auctions in key cities is not yet significant, and the national land market is still operating at a low temperature.

3. 据证券时报报道,9月,50家代表企业拿地总额环比下降24.0%,同比下降57.5%。1-9月,百强房企拿地总额同比下降17.9%。其中,国央企拿地金额占比超六成。从新增货值来看,保利发展、华润置地、中海地产占榜单前三位。新政后重点城市土拍升温尚不明显,全国土地市场仍低温运行。

4. Morse, head of commodities at Citigroup, stated that the decline in oil demand will limit the rise of oil prices. The drag on oil demand in Europe and the United States has seriously affected crude oil prices, limiting the potential upward trend brought about by OPEC and production cuts.

4. 花旗集团大宗商品主管Morse表示,石油需求下滑将限制油价上涨,欧洲和美国等地对石油需求的拖累严重影响了原油价格,限制了OPEC和减产带来的潜在涨势。

5. According to data from the Cat's Eye Professional Edition, at 16:02 on October 3, the box office of the 2023 National Day season (September 29th October 6th) exceeded 1.8 billion yuan, with "Under the Light", "Ex 4: Early Marriage", and "Volunteers: Xiongbing Attack" ranking among the top three in the box office chart.

5. 猫眼专业版数据显示,10月3日16时02分,2023年国庆档(9月29日-10月6日)票房破18亿,《坚如磐石》《前任4:英年早婚》《志愿军:雄兵出击》分列档期票房榜前三。

6. Sequoia Capital Roelof Botha stated that after the success of OpenAI investment, it will focus on AI applications. Sequoia has been investing in OpenAI for a long time, and it is reported that OpenAI is discussing the sale of shares with investors. AI is a core part of Sequoia's investment strategy, but it targets companies that interact with basic models, rather than companies that create their own models.

6. 红杉资本Roelof Botha表示,OpenAI投资取得成功后将聚焦AI应用。红杉投资OpenAI已久,据悉,OpenAI正与投资者商讨股份出售事宜。AI是红杉投资策略的核心部分,但其针对的是与基础模型互动的公司,而不是自己创建模型的公司。

7. The Chief Economist of the European Central Bank, Lian En, stated that interest rates have reached a level that helps to curb inflation, and the key is to maintain this level as long as possible. It is very important to see the decrease in wage data next. Currently, wage growth is quite high, and December will not be considered a key decision focus. December is not the end point of the inflation challenge.

7. 欧洲央行首席经济学家连恩称,利率已经达到了有助于抑制通货膨胀的水平,关键是要维持这个利率水平尽可能长的时间。接下来看到工资数据下降是非常重要的,目前工资增长相当高,不会将12月视为关键决策的重点,12月并非通胀挑战的终点。

8.According to Nikkei News, Japan's financial regulatory agency plans to evaluate the country's banks' ability to withstand deposit runs triggered by social media. The Japan Financial Agency will conduct stress tests on approximately 20 banks by the end of June 2024 to review their processes for handling deposit outflows under credit pressure. Online banks with a rapidly growing deposit base will also be included in the scope of stress tests.

8. 日经新闻消息,日本金融监管机构计划评估该国银行抵御社交媒体引发的存款挤兑的能力,日本金融厅将在2024年6月底前对大约20家银行进行压力测试,审查银行在信贷压力下处理存款外流的流程,快速增长存款基础的在线银行也将被纳入压力测试范围内。

9.According to Kyodo News Agency, Tokyo Electric Power Company of Japan began preparations for the second round of nuclear contaminated water discharge from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on October 3rd, measuring the concentration of tritium in the nuclear contaminated water that is about to be discharged into the sea. If the concentration meets its so-called "standard", the second round of nuclear contaminated water discharge will officially begin on October 5th. The second round of sea discharge plan has a discharge volume of approximately 7800 tons, with a discharge period of approximately 17 days.

9. 据共同社报道,日本东京电力公司10月3日开始进行福岛第一核电站核污染水第二轮排海前准备工作,测定即将排入海洋的核污染水中的氚浓度,如果浓度符合其所谓的“标准”,将从10月5日正式开始第二轮核污染水排海。第二轮排海计划排放量约为7800吨,排放周期约17天。

10. According to news on the National Business Daily website, a three-day joint strike was held on October 2nd local time by junior and consultant doctors in England, demanding improved working conditions and higher pay to cope with high inflation. British medical institutions have warned that the strike will face extremely severe chaos in hospitals in England, and non emergency services will be "almost suspended".

10. 每经网消息,英国英格兰地区的初级医生和顾问级医生当地时间10月2日开始举行为期三天的联合罢工,要求改善工作条件、提高待遇以应对高通胀。英国医疗机构警告称,本次罢工将使英格兰的医院面临极为严重的混乱状况,非急诊服务将“几近停摆”

