femorning 10.03

femorning 10.03


1. According to CCTV news, October 2 is the the fourth day day of the Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday. As of 24:00 on October 1, the traffic volume of the national highway network was 59,110,700, and the passenger traffic volume was 54.9336 million. On October 2nd, the number of vehicles on the road exceeded 22.02 million, of which more than 2019 million were small cars, accounting for over 99.17%.

1.       央视新闻消息,102日,是中秋国庆假期第四天,截至10124时,全国高速公路网流量为5911.07万辆,客车流量5493.36万辆。102日在途的车辆已经超过了2202万辆,其中小汽车超过了2019万辆,占比超过了99.17%

2.According to Economic Daily, in the first two days of the holiday, the real estate market was very popular, and people's willingness to improve their homes became stronger. However, from the perspective of transaction status, market differentiation and homebuyers' wait-and-see mentality are still ongoing, and profit promotion is still the choice for most real estate projects. The industry has stated that there may be a wave of trading during the 11th Golden Week, but the subsequent market trend is still influenced by multiple factors and is a continuous game state.

2.       据经济日报报道,假期前两日,楼市人气很足,人们改善置业意愿更加强烈。但从成交状态来看,市场分化和购房者观望心态仍在持续,让利促销仍是多数楼盘的选择。业内表示,十一黄金周可能会迎来一波成交行情,但后续市场走势仍然受多方因素影响,是个持续博弈的状态。

3. According to the China Weather Network, the rainfall in West China and other places continues, and rainstorm may still appear in some places such as southwest Hubei and southeast Chongqing, so we should pay attention to prevention. In addition, starting from October 3rd, cold air will invade the northern region again, and it will further penetrate into the south in the later stage. Temperatures in many areas may set new lows since autumn, and the public needs to pay attention to adding clothes and keeping warm.


4. The yield of Japanese 20-year treasury bond rose 3 basis points to 1.515%, the highest level since March 2014; The 30-year treasury bond yield rose 3 basis points to 1.765%, the highest level since September 2013.


5. Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province has issued a notice on optimizing and adjusting some policies for housing provident fund in our city. The proposal is to relax the down payment ratio of the first housing provident fund loan. For families of employees who use the housing provident fund loan to purchase their first self occupied housing, the minimum down payment ratio of the housing provident fund loan is 20%.


6.According to a report by the Securities Times, controllable risk may be at the core of many FOF fund promotions, but fund managers amplify their resilience under performance ranking pressure, resulting in fewer and fewer holding targets for many FOF funds. The highest loss of FOF funds in the first three quarters has been close to 14%, while the total number of investment targets (funds) held by this product is only 9.


7.According to Beiqing Daily, during the National Day holiday, some airline ticket prices have plummeted. The highest price reduction for flights departing from Beijing is for long-distance travel, with a 72% decrease in ticket prices for flights to Lanzhou and Shenzhen. Departing from Guangzhou, the price reduction for direct flights to Beijing is the highest, with a bare ticket price of only 356 yuan on October 2nd. However, Shanghai has the highest cost-effectiveness in detecting leaks, with flights to Chengdu on October 3rd experiencing an 82% decrease, and the bare ticket price being only 173 yuan.


8.The "New Power System and New Energy System" written by State Grid of China has recently been published and distributed. The development of the new power system industry will promote the continuous expansion of the power industry scale and market size. It is expected that the investment scale of China's power industry will exceed 100 trillion yuan from 2020 to 2060, and the scale of industries such as energy storage, comprehensive energy, and energy internet will all reach the trillion yuan level.


9.Cat's Eye Professional News: As of 12:07 on October 2, the box office of new National Day films in 2023 (including pre releases and pre-sales) exceeded 1.5 billion yuan, with "Under the Light", "Ex 4: Early Marriage", and "Volunteers: Xiongbing Attack" ranking in the top three of the box office of new National Day films.


10. Global Network News: According to foreign media reports, the contract between Caesar Medical Group and its union expired on the evening of September 30th local time. Members of the union plan to strike from October 4th to 6th. The Kaiser Healthcare Union Alliance has over 75000 members, making it the largest healthcare system strike in American history.


