Former President Trump has raised $7.1 million since he was booked at the Fulton County jail on Thursday evening, where he became the first U.S. president to have his mug shot taken.
Trump has fundraised off the mug shot, urging supporters to donate and selling T-shirts, mugs, koozies and bumper stickers with the photo and the phrase “Never surrender.”
1. raise /reɪz/ v. 筹集,筹募
· raise funds for charity 慈善募捐
· a fund-raising event 募款活动
· raise+金额 筹款多少钱
2. book /bʊk/ v. (特指)警方把……记录在案;预订(机票/酒店)
3. mug shot 监狱大头照
· mug /mʌɡ/ n. (口语中)人脸
4. fundraise off sth. 利用……筹集资金
5. urge sb to do sth. 催促、力劝某人做某事(urge相比suggest要更急迫、更强烈)
6. mug /mʌɡ/ n. 马克杯
7. koozie /ˈkuːzi/ n. 包在罐装冷饮外面、用来维持低温的瓶套
8. bumper sticker 贴在汽车保险杠上的贴纸
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