


One day the lion known as the king of the forest went to see the heavenly god and said, I thank you for giving me such a strong and powerful body, which allows me to rule over this whole forest. The heavenly gods smiled and asked, but that's not the reason you came to see me today, is it? You seem to be troubled by something.


The lion roared softly and said, heavenly God, you really understand me. I did come here today to ask for something. Despite my great abilities, I am always startled awake by the crowing of a rooster. Every morning I pray to you, please give me a power that will prevent me from being frightened by the roosters crow. The heavenly god replied, go find the elephant. It will give you a satisfactory answer.


The lion ran eagerly to the lakeside to find the elephant. Before he even saw the elephant, he heard a loud bang sound from the elephant stomping. The lion sped up and ran towards the elephant, only to see the elephant angrily stomping its feet.


The lion asked the elephant, why are you so angry? The elephant shook its big ears and roared, there's an annoying mosquito that keeps trying to fly into my ear and it's driving me crazy. The lion left the elephant thinking to itself, so even the huge elephant is afraid of a small mosquito.


What right do I have to complain about a rooster crowing once a day? After all, the mosquito is bothering the elephant constantly. Compared to it, I'm much luckier. As the lion walked away, it looked back at the still stomping elephant in thought.


The heavenly god wanted me to see the elephant situation to remind me that everyone encounters troubles, and it's not possible for anyone to help everyone, so I'll have to rely on myself. From now on, I'll just think of the rooster crowing as a reminder to wake up with this mindset. The roosters crow will actually be helpful to me.


Life can be tough, but it's up to us how we react to challenges. We can either be victims and complain about how unfair everything is. Or we can be proactive and find solutions to our problems. Don't forget, every obstacle can teach us something and help us grow. Don't let setbacks get you down.


Use them as a chance to become even stronger and more resilient. So take control of your life and start making things happen. Don't wait for someone else to solve your problems or make your dreams come true. You have the power within you to create the life you want. All it takes is a little courage, determination and a willingness to take risks.


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