

>Part six:
summarizing and concluding the meeting.
Once you've finished discussing
everything, you need to summarize your key points.This will
provide a conclusion to your meeting and help people remember the most importantpoints from the
agenda.Here, you can
say things like:Before we
close, let me just summarize the main points.To sum up…In brief, ...
Shall I go over the main points?Then, use verbs
like discussed, went over, and talked about to list the items from the meeting. For example:To sum up, we
discussed using the new internet marketing strategies and cutting the budget by $1,000 next
month.We also talked
about our new sales goals and increasing our traffic.Finally, we
welcomed James and Debra to the company.Now, it's time
to finish up.Here, you
should show that you're finished and ask for any final questions.To finish,
simple phrases like these are effective:OK, it looks
like we've covered the main items for the meeting today.Right, that's
all for today's meeting.Don't forget to
ask if there are any final questions from the attendees.This will help
them to clarify anything they didn't understand and make any final points.Is there any
other business?Are there any
questions before we finish?Now, I'd like
you to practice concluding a meeting.First, I'll
give you an example and then you can create your own:To sum up, we
discussed using the new internet marketing strategies and cutting the budgetby $1,000 each
month.We also talked
about our sales goals and increasing our site traffic(流量).Finally, we
welcomed James and Debra to the company.Right, that's
all for today's meeting.Are there any
questions before we finish?No?Great, I'd like
to thank Bob, our CEO, for coming here all the way from Beijing.Thank you all for
attending.That's all for
today.OK, your turn.Summarize your
meeting, thank everyone for coming, and conclude.Now you know
how to chair a meeting from beginning to end.Are you
chairing a meeting in English in the near future?I hope you can
use some of the words and phrases from the lesson to make it easier for you!Each section
has a lot of useful language to learn and practice, so you might want to go through some sections again to really get comfortable with the language you need . food Luck and thank you for listening.See you next time!
