


Hi, I'm Kate

Welcome to Business English!

Imagine: tomorrow, you have an important meeting, and you're the chair. It's the first time you're chairing a meeting in English! Think about this situation.Would you know what to say to start the meeting, present your main ideas, or summarise your meeting agenda?


In this lesson, you'll learn how to chair a meeting in English. You can learn useful English words and phrases which you can use in your next meeting.


Now imagine: you’re in the meeting room. You need to start the meeting.What will you say?


Part one: welcoming attendees and starting the meeting.

Before the meeting starts, you have to make sure that everyone is

paying attention.


You could say:.

-Good afternoon, everyone

-If I could have your attention, please.

-Could I have your attention, please?

After you have everyone's attention, it's time to welcome the attendees and get things started.


-I'd like to welcome you all here today, now let's get down to business.

-Thank you all for coming.

-Perhaps we can make a start.

-Thanks everyone and welcome to today's meeting.

-Let's begin.

If this is your first time meeting these people, you could also introduce yourself. If there are other presenters in the meeting, this is also the time to introduce them.


For example:

1.) I'd like to welcome you all here today, my name is Kate Moss and I'm the Marketing Manager, and this is Jon and he's the head of the design department. Now let's get down to business.

今天在这里欢迎大家,我的名字是 Kate Moss,我是市场营销部经理,这是Jon,他是设计部门的负责人。现在让我们开始开会吧。

2.) Thank you all for coming. My name's Kate and I'm the Marketing Manager. I'm sure you all know Diane, who's in charge of web content. Perhaps we can make a start.


3.) Thanks everyone and welcome to today's meeting.I'm Kate Moss, the Marketing Manager.This is Jessy, from the accounts department, and she'll also be presenting today. Let's begin.

谢谢大家,欢迎参加今天的会议。我是营销经理Kate Moss。这位是Jessy,



