7.31 英音朗读版

7.31 英音朗读版

  • 听友416266527

    Youth is like a wonderful song while old age should be like a graceful poem. Ignite your later years and you will see endless possibilities. May everyone age into their most unique selves.

  • 听友86236811

    Youth is like a wonderful song, while old age should be like a graceful poem. Ignite your later years and you will see endless possibilities. May everyone age into their most unique selves.

  • 悦言乐

    Youth is like a wonderful song, while old age should be like a graceful poem. Ignite your later years and you will see endless possibilities. May everyone age into their most unique selves.  青春如一首美妙的歌,而老年则如一首温雅的诗。让你的晚年尽情灿烂吧,你会发现生命的无限可能。愿每个人都能以自己独特的方式优雅老去。  ——时尚奶奶:愿每个人都能以自己独特的方式优雅老去