


Can AI understand images?

Has your phone ever gathered your photos into folders with names like "at the beach" or "nights out"?
Then you’ve been using AI without realising. An AI algorithm uncovered patterns in your photos and grouped them for you. 
那么你就已经在不知不觉中使用人工智能了。 人工智能算法会发现您照片中的模式并为您进行分组。
These programs have been trained by looking through a mountain of images, all labelled with a simple description.
If you give an image-recognition AI enough images labelled "bicycle", eventually it will start to work out what a bicycle looks like and how it is different from a boat or a car.
Sometimes the AI is trained to uncover tiny differences within similar images.
This is how facial recognition works, finding a subtle relationship between features on your face that make it distinct and unique when compared to every other face on the planet.
The same kind of algorithms have been trained with medical scans to identify life-threatening tumours and can work through thousands of scans in the time it would take a consultant to make a decision on just one.

How does AI make new images?

Recently image recognition has been adapted into AI models which have learned the chameleon-like power of manipulating patterns and colours.
These image-generating AIs can turn the complex visual patterns they gather from millions of photographs and drawings into completely new images.
You can ask the AI to create a photographic image of something that never happened - for example, a photo of a person walking on the surface of Mars.
您可以要求人工智能创建从未发生过的事情的照片图像 - 例如,一个人在火星表面行走的照片。
Or you can creatively direct the style of an image: "Make a portrait of the England football manager, painted in the style of Picasso."
The latest AIs start the process of generating this new image with a collection of randomly coloured pixels.
It looks at the random dots for any hint of a pattern it learned during training - patterns for building different objects.
These patterns are slowly enhanced by adding further layers of random dots, keeping dots which develop the pattern and discarding others, until finally a likeness emerges.
Develop all the necessary patterns like "Mars surface", "astronaut" and "walking" together and you have a new image.
Because the new image is built from layers of random pixels, the result is something which has never existed before but is still based on the billions of patterns it learned from the original training images.
Society is now beginning to grapple with what this means for things like copyright and the ethics of creating artworks trained on the hard work of real artists, designers and photographers.

What about self-driving cars?

Self-driving cars have been part of the conversation around AI for decades and science fiction has fixed them in the popular imagination.
Self-driving AI is known as autonomous driving and the cars are fitted with cameras, radar and range-sensing lasers.

Think of a dragonfly, with 360-degree vision and sensors on its wings to help it manoeuvre and make constant in-flight adjustments.

想象一下蜻蜓,它具有 360 度视野,翅膀上有传感器,可以帮助它机动并在飞行中不断进行调整。

In a similar way, the AI model uses the data from its sensors to identify objects and figure out whether they are moving and, if so, what kind of moving object they are - another car, a bicycle, a pedestrian or something else.


Thousands and thousands of hours of training to understand what good driving looks like has enabled AI to be able to make decisions and take action in the real world to drive the car and avoid collisions.


Predictive algorithms may have struggled for many years to deal with the often unpredictable nature of human drivers, but driverless cars have now collected millions of miles of data on real roads. In San Francisco, they are already carrying paying passengers.

多年来,预测算法可能一直在努力应对人类驾驶员的不可预测性,但无人驾驶汽车现在已经在真实道路上收集了数百万英里的数据。 在旧金山,他们已经载着付费乘客。

Autonomous driving is also a very public example of how new technologies must overcome more than just technical hurdles.


Government legislation and safety regulations, along with a deep sense of anxiety over what happens when we hand over control to machines, are all still potential roadblocks for a fully automated future on our roads.


