Percy Jackson - Heroes Of Olympus 1-5 - Rick Riordan
波西·杰克逊 - 奥林匹斯英雄系列,又叫混血营英雄系列
这个系列是#1 Percy Jackson & the Olympians 系列的续集
Product Details
Age Range: 10 - 14 years
Grade Level: 5 - 9
Series: The Heroes of Olympus
01 The Lost Hero (2010) 失落的英雄 660L
02 The Son of Neptune(2011) 海神之子
03 The Mark of Athena(2012) 雅典娜之印
04 The House of Hades(2013) 决战冥王圣殿
05 The Blood of Olympus(2014) 奥林匹斯之血
The Demigod Diaries(2012) 和#1的Demigod Files合并译成半神外传
LeLe1216 回复 @求xyz的少年: I would pay to see Annabeth's expression when she heard this
王珲_3a 回复 @不起眼_尘埃落定: 听不懂的人还来听干什么?
JasonPiper PercyAnnabeth FrankHazel Leo, but at last Calypso
Radiant_Flow 回复 @哈雷彗星06: LOL everyone is typing this thing in the chat 😅
FinnickSwift 回复 @VivianJin_46: 是Percy太占音频了吗?
JJ0711B 回复 @永红tonymm亮亮妈:
东眠_bh 回复 @月影_PJ粉: Nico
Life is precious because it ends.
love it
JasonPiper PercyAnnabeth FrankHazel Leo, but at last Calypso
jasmine_t1 回复 @1382269pdpk: haha,poor Leo!