Percy Jackson - Heroes Of Olympus 1-5 - Rick Riordan
波西·杰克逊 - 奥林匹斯英雄系列,又叫混血营英雄系列
这个系列是#1 Percy Jackson & the Olympians 系列的续集
Product Details
Age Range: 10 - 14 years
Grade Level: 5 - 9
Series: The Heroes of Olympus
01 The Lost Hero (2010) 失落的英雄 660L
02 The Son of Neptune(2011) 海神之子
03 The Mark of Athena(2012) 雅典娜之印
04 The House of Hades(2013) 决战冥王圣殿
05 The Blood of Olympus(2014) 奥林匹斯之血
The Demigod Diaries(2012) 和#1的Demigod Files合并译成半神外传
Frank 的中文名是张飞。。。
忧馋畏饥 回复 @听友245966797: 你道出了我难以接受的事实
Repair boy Superman Beauty Queen Seaweed brain Wise girl Pinecone face Horse friend Gohst king Old goat 😂
月影_PJ粉 回复 @ES_Lime: Repair boy is Leo Superman is Jason Beauty Queen is Piper Seaweed brain is Percy Wise girl is Annabeth Pinecone face is Thalia Horse friend is Rena Gohst king is Nico Old goat is Gleeson Hedge 我发誓我这个答案是百分之百正确
Thank you SO much for giving us the free audio book instead of buying It form Audio! #Saves money
Radiant_Flow 回复 @YanjunZhao: I soooo love this series
omg Percy and Jason are in each other's camps!
13608751tmr 回复 @听友234346101:
I heard from my friends that Jason died in AT, is that true?
SCA黥夜昕 回复 @Aurealia: No!!😤😤😤If Percy died ,the story would end!!😤😓😓
Thank you!Love for Percy!
AshleyArtemis 回复 @埃菲尔的黑猫: 抱歉,我也没有别的意思啊,不过对于波西系列我都是通过英文原版小说和英文有声书接触的,RR大叔有很多很幽默的点也都是通过一种英文语境才能体现的,在英文书下发英文评论也不为过吧PS:偷偷告诉你,我开始真的没有注意到我名字中是Artemis,因为当初选Artemis并不是因为狩猎女神(虽然读了波西后真的很喜欢她),而是因为头号玩家的女主,所以没意识到
Seriously? The queen of the universe pluck out Percy's memory of his whole life except for the memory of his girlfriend?
听友229963659 回复 @笨笨的飞猪: it is because his memory of his girlfriend is too strong
Perfect story
Percy and Jason are all memory wiped,and they all have a girl that they remember,Jason remembered Thalia,his sister,and Percy is his girlfriend,Annabeth.And when Nico saw Percy he was like,hi,nice to meet you,Percy said I know you and Nico said,you do? So fake!
Angel_Ji_433 回复 @IHateOreos: Then why do you still like it? You can try writing a novel like this yourself, it’s not easy. Please appreciate the hard work of a writer.
Nico看到percy的那一瞬间呐,空气里的chemistry快要爆炸了我的天 这俩人也很甜呐
SelenaVenture 回复 @忧馋畏饥: 对呀 Cupid和Nico的对话我听了10遍