6-2-1 向承运方提出索赔的英文对话示例

6-2-1 向承运方提出索赔的英文对话示例





Sample dialogue when discussing the claim for damages

A: Good morning, Mr. Campbell. On July 2nd, your company agreed to transport the clothing we ordered from China. The clothing was intended for the summer season and was expected to arrive in London no later than late July. However, it was delivered on August 12th. This delay caused us to lose two significant orders, as it was too late for us to distribute the clothing. Additionally, we discovered that 10 cartons of the clothing were contaminated, possibly by water or other substances. We submitted a claim to your company last week but have not received any response yet.

B: I apologize, but we find your claim to be unreasonable. We cannot accept the claim for damages.

A: Could you please explain why?

B: We have thoroughly reviewed all the relevant documentation. The shipping advice informed us that the vessel would be sailing to London via Hong Kong and Mumbai. Unfortunately, the vessel experienced a delay of twelve days in Mumbai due to a strike by the dockworkers. Did you have the cargo insured against S.R.C.C.?

A: Yes, we did.

B: in this case, your claim should be directed to the insurance company for compensation.

B: Furthermore, there were no indications of damage on the delivery receipt for the clothing. If any damage occurred during the shipment, it should have been noted at the time of delivery.

A: The damage was somewhat concealed, but once we discovered it, we promptly informed you. It seemed that the goods were soaked in water.

B: There is no evidence that the goods were soaked in water. If that were the case, it would have been clearly visible. We believe that the damage may have been caused by dampness during the long sea voyage, which is beyond our control.

A: We believe that the damage occurred while the consignment was in your care. We expect you to fully compensate us for the claim.

B: I regret to inform you that we cannot accept your claim. If you have included this risk in your insurance coverage, I suggest you approach the insurance company for settlement.

A: Unfortunately, we did not cover this risk in our insurance.

B: I'm sorry, but we are unable to assist you further in this matter.




