So, Wailin, I'm going to goto you first. What are your thoughts on "Fast X"?
WONG: Well, first of all, Ihave to say I have such tremendous affection for this franchise. I love its combination of extreme action withextreme sentimentality and earnestness. So I do grade it on a bit of a curve. Iforgive a lot of things in these movies that I do not forgive in other movies.That said, like, for me, Jason Momoa really makes the movie for me. He has allthese great outfits and scrunchies, and he's got this kind ofJack-Sparrow-meets-the-Joker thing going on, which I found very appealing andinteresting.
And I think he is the reasonto see this movie because even me grading on this very affectionate curve forthe "Fast" movies - I'm sorry. Like, the dialogue and the plottingare just getting so sloppy that it's, like, starting to be hard for me toreally buy into it like I used to. You know, I feel myself working a little bitto get over some of those things. Like, I feel like in this movie, maybe moreso than the other ones, the dialogue truly feels like it was written by analgorithm that was fed all of the previous movies plus "Chicken Soup ForThe Soul."
And there's also way too manycharacters. Like, when John Cena shows up, I literally forgot he was a part ofthis franchise and that he was Dom's brother. And I just thought, gosh, if Icannot keep up with the amount of people they have introduced to me in lafamilia over the years, like, it's just too many, too many people.
HARRIS: Yeah. I have to agreewith you on the too many characters thing. The poster on the screen that I sawit on had, like, at least nine different characters on it.
YOUNG: It looked like"The Avengers."
HARRIS: Yeah. It's kind oflike "The Avengers," except, like, there are way more than ninepretty big names in this movie, so it is a little hard to keep track of them,but yes. Thank you, Wailin. Roxana, how do you feel about this family?
HADADI: I also come to thisfilm from a place of deep love. I really enjoyed that this movie makesfun of itself and makes fun of all those things through the Jason Momoacharacter. He's very arch, sort of, like...
HADADI: ...Commenting on theweirdness and goofiness of all of this. I don't know what this movie would bewithout Momoa. He feels like the best villain they've had in a long timebecause I am strongly anti-Cipher and anti-Charlize in these films. So I thinkhe's having fun, and the fact that he is having fun allows us to have fun.We're allowed to be like, yeah, it's really goofy that Vin Diesel keeps sayingfamily. And it's very silly that these characters are in their, like - I don'tknow - late 40s, early 50s still doing these things.
Why is Rita Moreno here?
HADADI: I have a lot ofquestions.
HARRIS: (Laughter).
HADADI: But at the end of theday, I was still mostly amused. But I do miss what these films used to be. Imiss that there were, like, street races and that sort of intimacy of thoseearly films. So this was fine. It didn't blow my mind. But, you know, like, ifI still had cable and it came on TNT, I would watch it. I mean, that's thebarometer for these films. Would I watch them on TNT? And the answer is prettymuch always yes.
HARRIS: All right. RonaldYoung Jr., now, you texted me right after you saw this movie, and your actualwords - I will censor them slightly, but they were, what in the actual -(clearing throat).
YOUNG: (Laughter).
HARRIS: So what did you meanby that, Ronald (laughter)? Explain.
YOUNG: All right. Just likeeveryone else, I also love this franchise. I said this right around "FastFive" or "Fast & Furious 6." As long as they keep makingthem, I'll keep watching them. I never said that I would like them as theycontinued because I think that the peak of this franchise was four, five andsix. But the specific issues with this movie, for me, were two main ones, and Ithink we've kind of touched on it, but I want to unpack them a little more,which is that there's too many stars. There's toomany cameos, to the point that we know that Paul Walker is dead, but in themovie, the way the movie behaves, Brian should pop up at any moment to save theday. The other big problem is this, is that they've established sohard that the stakes aren't real. Everyone is invincible, 100% invincible. Soif no death actually matters, then all of the stunts and everything we watch,it's just washing over you over and over again. You're like, no one's indanger. Nothing's ever going to happen. You can fill a car with NOS and fire,and it will not explode. We know that. That is a thing that will not happen. Ithappens in this movie, and it blew my mind. So I didn't not like it, to beclear. I'm very curious to see what they do with the next two movies in thisfranchise, and I will watch them out of curiosity. But to say that these aregood - they are not good anymore.
YOUNG: They're just fun, butthey are not good anymore.
HARRIS: And what I noticedwith this film is that we're seeing a lot of the same stunts and actionsequences that we've seen in previous movies. At one point, Dom drops his carout of a plane and, like, crushes some cars. And I'm like, this happened in"Fast 7"...
HARRIS: ...Except it was fivetimes as big because there were, like - all of the gang were parachuting downfrom a much higher height. And then there's a moment where Little B, his son,like, jumps from one car to the next, and I was like, this is what happens withLetty and Dom...
HARRIS: ...In a previousmovie.
HADADI: In "Fast6," yeah.
HARRIS: And what I remembermore than anything about these movies are those action sequences. I rememberthe cars jumping from one giant luxury building to the next in 7. I rememberall those sequences, and I'm just like, OK, what do we do next? Like, nothinghere feels new.
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