第1842期:Computers damage our memory, says study

第1842期:Computers damage our memory, says study


Scientists spoke to 6,000 adults in eight European countries and found that while many were able to recall phone numbers from their childhood, fewer could remember their current work numbers, or the contact details of family members.

科学家与八个欧洲国家的 6,000 名成年人进行了交谈,发现虽然许多人能够回忆起童年时期的电话号码,但很少有人能记住他们目前的工作电话号码或家庭成员的详细联系方式。

About a third turned first to computers to recall information.


British adults seemed to be the worst affected. Only about half knew their partners' phone numbers, compared with four fifths of Italians.

英国成年人似乎受影响最严重。 只有大约一半的人知道伴侣的电话号码,而五分之四的意大利人知道这一点。

Researchers say people have become accustomed to using digital devices as extensions of their brains, and that repeatedly looking up information does not create a lasting memory in the same way as simple recollection.



recall 回想起
four fifths 五分之四
accustomed to 习惯了,习惯于
extensions 延展部分
lasting 持久的
recollection 记忆

  • 丢了100的孩子

    British adults seemed to be the worst affected.英国成年人似乎受影响最严重。 About a third turned first to computers to recall information.大约三分之一的人首先求助于计算机来回忆信息。