


Durian Freedom. Durians, which are abundant in Southeast Asia and known as the "king of fruits", have recently been on the market in large numbers. 

Thanks to the implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, as well as efficient customs clearance and diversified transportation modes, durians from Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines are imported to China at affordable prices, helping the Chinese people realize "durian freedom". 

Behind the durian freedom is a more open agricultural market in China. In July last year, Chinese General Administration of Customs issued a notice allowing the import of Vietnamese fresh durians that meet relevant requirements.

 This year, durians from the Philippines entered Chinese market for the first time through Nanning International Airport. 

In addition, Malaysia's rambutans, Indonesia's pitayas and Cambodia's longans have also taken advantage of trade cooperation to reach the "fruit basket" of the Chinese people. 

Connected with ASEAN countries by mountains and seas, Guangxi is the main channel of fruit import and export between China and ASEAN countries. 

According to data statistics, in the first quarter of this year, Guangxi imported fruit 643,400 tons via Pingxiang ports, a year-on-year growth of 246%.

