Why some people are always late 一些人约会总是迟到的原因

Why some people are always late 一些人约会总是迟到的原因


Why some people are always late 一些人约会总是迟到的原因



1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. Why are optimists more likely to be late?

2. Which is stronger: irritating or infuriating.

3. Is it a good idea to be ‘fashionably late’ for a job interview?

4. Which two adjectives describe something that has a problem or defect?

5. True or false: According to the article, people who are more punctual have better inner clocks.

2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处

1. I need to take control of my life. The days keep ______ and I never achieve anything.

overestimating elapsed losing track of time slipping by

2. Luke is always ______. I’ve never seen him be late for anything.

tardy punctual persistent fashionably late

3. Don’t ______ Lucy. She might be quiet, but she’s extremely professional.

underestimate overestimate misunderestimate overhear

4. We had so much fun last night that we completely ______ and got home very late.

lose track of time lost track of times tracked lost time lost track of time

5. I don’t like ______ the receiving end when he’s angry. He can get very aggressive.

being to be being on being on the

