


'And now,'said Mr Hyde,'How did you know me?' 

'You were described to me.'
'Who did that?'
'I know people who know you.'

'Who?' asked Mr Hyde sharply.
'Doctor Jekyll,for example,'said the lawyer.
'He never told you!'cried Mr Hyde in sudden anger.'Don't lie to me! 'And before the lawyer could answer, he turned the key in the lock and disappeared into the house.

Mr Utterson stared at the closed door.'Why do I dislike him so much?'he said to himself.'Enfield was right—there is something evil about the man.Poor Henry Jekyll,I'm worried about you. Your new friend will mean trouble for you.'

Round the corner from the narrow street there was a square of handsome old houses.One of these was Doctor.Jekyll's house,and MrUtterson knocked at the front door. The servant answered and told him that Doctor Jekyll was not at home.

'I saw Mr Hyde go in by the laboratory door in the street at the back of the house, said the lawyer.

'That's right,Mr Utterson,'replied the servant.'Mr Hyde has his own

key, and comes and goes when he likes. We have orders from DoctorJekyll to obey him.'

Mr Utterson walked home more worried than ever.

fortnight later Doctor Jekyll gave a dinner party for a few old friends. 

