


This will had both worried and annoyed Mr Utterson. To a lawyer it was an unusual and dangerous kind of will. It was bad enough when Edward Hyde was only an unknown name,but now that the lawyer knew something about Hyde, the will worried him more than ever. It had seemed like madness before;now it began to seem shameful. With a heavy heart MrUtterson replaced the envelope in the cupboard,put on his coat and went to see his old friend Doctor Lanyon.

Doctor Lanyon was enjoying his after-dinner coffee.'Come in,old friend!' he cried. The two men had known each other since their school days . They sat for several minutes , drinking coffee and talking companionably of this and that. At last MrUtterson mentioned the thoughts that were worrying him.

'I suppose,Lanyon,'he said,'that you and I are Henry Jekyll's oldest friends?'

'I suppose so,'said Doctor Lanyon,'but I don't often see him now.' 'Really?' said Mr Utterson in surprise.'I thought you and he were interested in the same things.'

'We were at one time,'said Doctor Lanyon.'But more than ten years ago Henry Jekyll became too—well,imaginative for me. He developed some strange,wild, unscientific ideas. It old him so,and I've seen very little of him since then.'

Mr Utterson looked at his friend's red , angry face . 'Only a disagreement about some scientific question,'he thought.'It's nothing worse than that.' Calmly he continued,'Did you ever meet a friend of Jekyll's a man called Hyde?' 

  • 村里的草帽姑娘
