中英文《道德经》Chapter 32

中英文《道德经》Chapter 32


32.道常无名、朴。虽小,天下莫能臣。侯王若能守之,万物将自宾。天地相合,以降甘露,民莫之令而自均。始制有名,名亦既有,夫亦将知止,知止可以不殆。譬道之在天下,犹川谷之 于江海。

The Divine Law prevails without being defined. Though the virgin wood is insignificent, nothing in the world is superior to it.

If a king or lord could preserve it, the things of the world would converge on him by themselves.

As heaven and earth conjoin to send down sweet dew, the people will benefit evenly, by no decrees necessary.

When things are named, they come into existence.

Names set up boundaries.

Knowing the boundaries can avoid disasters.

The Divine Law prevails under the Heaven.

Just as the streams in the valley flow to the Yangzi River and sea.

