埃村狂想现已同步上线喜马拉雅,小宇宙与Apple Podcasts,我们分享校园的美好时光,畅谈当下的热点话题,感悟毕业后的点点滴滴,欢迎大家订阅与收听。收听的同时,有任何想说的,想听我们聊的话题,都可以多多在评论区与我们互动,感谢大家的支持!
KHKRhapsody is now online on Ximalaya, Xiaoyuzhou and Apple Podcasts, we willshare the good time on campus, talk about current hot topics, recall dribs and drabsafter graduation. You are welcome to subscribe and listen to the podcast. Atthe same time, if you have anything to say or recommend topics to us, you can contactus in the comment section. Thank you for your support!
「节目前导 Overview」
After graduation, we all have stepped intoour careers in different industries. As an employee, it is different with whatwe were doing in the school. In the workplace, we need to learn more whichmight have not been gained from the school. The truth is that the learningprocess never ends. Let’s listen to our work experience and share your opinionswith us in the comment section.
「内容总览 Content」
1. Summaryof work experience 0:57
2. Whataspects affect you to choose the current position? 6:10
3. What doyou learn from work? What is the personal change from school to workplace? 14:50
4. Suggestionto graduates 24:14
「特别企划 Special Project」
狂想“悦”览室:每季度末发布,本节目呼吁大家,在繁忙的工作与生活里,保持学习的兴趣与动力,使得读书成为一件幸福愉悦的事情,开卷有益。Released at the end of each quarter, this programme appeals toeveryone, in the busy work and life, to maintain the interest in learning andmotivation, and make reading become a happy and pleasant thing.
Flying Rhapsody:不定期发布,本节目用英文围绕话题探讨,希望在锻炼口语的同时,带给听众们不一样的听觉感受。
Irregularlyreleased, this special programme will be using English to discuss about what weare interested and hot topics. We hope that this can bring listeners adifferent sense of hearing while we are practicing spoken English.
「直播互动 Live Stream」
We start doing live stream on Himalaya platform, you are welcome to follow theplatform for preview.
「收听平台 Platform」
喜马拉雅、小宇宙、Apple Podcasts