拓展模块 U7 Western Culture 课文-1 只读版 ~ Popular music

拓展模块 U7 Western Culture 课文-1 只读版 ~ Popular music


Unit 7 Western Culture

拓展模块U7课文-1只读版Popular Music

1When we think of popular music, the first thing that comes to our mind is music that belongs to here and now: disco, country and rock and roll.In each of these cases, popular music is music of the present.It has a wide audience and is very popular.

The revolution in popular music was started with romanticism.It accelerated in the twentieth century.As serious concert music grew more difficult to understand, it became less capable of filling the needs of the mass market for music.However popular music met that need

2Around the turn of the twentieth century,the demand for music began to grow greater.Furthermore,powerful new technologies were developed,one after the other,to promote the spread of music to the masses: phonographs, radio,movies,and finally, television.It is no wonder that,over the past century, popular music has grown to an amazing degree.

3Today popular music,also called pop music,enjoys the widest audience in the world.It is produced for and sold to a broad audience.Types of popular music include jazz,music from motion pictures, country music and rock music.Influenced by social, economic and technological forces, popular music is closely linked to the social position of its performers and audiences.

4The leading pop music singers were the Beatles, the most popular of the 1960s rock groups.The Beatles were four young men from Liverpool, England.The Beatles sang songs written mainly by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.Their infectious music and witty lyrics made them two of the finest 20th century songwriters.Early Beatles’songs were written in traditional forms.Their lyrics gradually became more subtle and tender, like the song“yesterday,”and sometimes very abstract.They often use modern record-production techniques to invent new musical effects.Under their influence rock and roll became more commonly known as rock music.

5A number of factors contributed to the quick development of the music industry during the mid-1980s.Music, video and compact disk stimulated the demand for popular music.In 1982, Michael Jackson's Thriller album became the biggest-selling record in history,and it established a new way for record companies to make profits by relying on a few big hits instead of many small sales.

6Although there have been great changes in the technology used to produce popular music over the past few decades,some aspects of it remain relatively unchanged.It continues to be one of the favorite musical forms loved by young people all over the world.









