拓展模块U6课文-2 只读版 Traditional Chinese Medicine

拓展模块U6课文-2 只读版 Traditional Chinese Medicine


Unit 6 Chinese Heritage

U6课文-2只读版Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine is an important part of the cultural heritage of the nation.Developed over the course of more than 5000 years, traditional Chinese medicine is unique because of its special methods of treatment,including acupuncture and medical massage. Chinese medicine is based on the theory of yin (negative) and yang (positive) and the theory of the five elements(metal,wood,water,fire and earth).

The yin and yang theory holds that everything, every phenomenon in the universe,consists of two forces, yin and yang.These forces oppose each other and at the same time complement each other.According to this theory, the human body is also made up of yin and yang elements.When there is a balance between the two, there is no disease. If the balance is disturbed, a person becomes ill.

The theory of the five elements assumes that the material world is basically made up of five elements. These elements are independent but their interaction keeps them in a state of constant change. The human body is regarded in this way with the internal organs such as liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidney corresponding to the five elements in the universe.For instance, the liver is considered to have the quality of wood which can be easily lit by fire.Thus a person with a liver disorder will be considered to be one who is quick to get angry.In this way,the causes of human diseases are explained in terms of developments and changes in nature.

Guided by these theories, doctors of traditional Chinese medicine emphasize not only localized treatment, but also treatment of the body as a whole.This kind of treatment aims at readjusting the balance in a person's body.These doctors also pay attention to seasonal changes, the environment, and their patients’living conditions.It is commonly found that even if two patients have the same symptoms and are diagnosed as having the same disease, the doctors will prescribe different drugs for them because of the differences in their internal and external conditions.

In traditional Chinese medicine, doctors use four basic diagnostic methods: observing, listening and smelling, inquiring, and feeling with hands.To diagnose the disease, the doctor observes the patient's facial expressions, skin color and tongue coating. The doctor also listens to the patient's voice and smells his body odor.After making inquiries about the disease and its history, the doctor usually feels the patient’s pulse. Of all those methods pulse feeling is the most important.Then the doctor will make a diagnosis.




五行理论是假设整个物质世界是由五种基本物质构成的。这些元素是独立的,然而,它们的相互影响使它们处在不断变化的状态。依此说法,人体的内脏,如肝、心、脾、肺和肾与宇宙中的五种元素相对应。例如,肝被看作具有容易点燃的木的特点,这样,一个人肝脏不好会被认为是一个易怒的人。用这种方式看,     人类疾病的成因就被解释为因为自然界的发展和变化引起的。



