野生问题第12章 总结Summing Up

野生问题第12章 总结Summing Up

野生问题第12章 总结Summing Up

如果你住在华盛顿特区,你想尽快开车去芝加哥,参考太阳或星星,把你的车开向西北是不够的。 If you live in Washington, DC, and you want to drive to Chicago as quickly as possible, it’s not enough to consult the sun or the stars and point your car to the northwest. 你需要规划一条道路。 You need to chart a path. 在过去,你可以用地图来做。 In the old days, you did that with a map. 今天,你可以使用Waze或谷歌地图去你想去的地方。 Today, you use Waze or Google Maps to get where you want to go. Waze或任何导航程序的本质都是逐路导航。 The essence of Waze or any navigation program is the turn-by-turn directions. 另一种选择——根据直觉随机转弯——是一条没有出路的路。 The alternative—making random turns based on intuition—is the road to nowhere. 数据是Waze运作的秘密武器:关于道路系统及其特征的数据,还有关于交通的数据。 Data is the secret sauce that makes Waze work: data about the system of roads and their characteristics, but also data on the traffic. 了解不同路线上的交通速度,Waze可以帮助我更快地到达我想去的地方。 Knowing the speed of the traffic on different routes allows Waze to help me get where I want to go more quickly. 一个3x3的魔方有43亿亿种组合。 A 3x3 Rubik’s Cube has forty-three quintillion combinations. 43后面有18个0。 That’s a forty-three with eighteen zeros after it. 随机转动魔方不太可能找到解决方案。 Turning a Rubik’s Cube randomly is not very likely to lead to a solution. 你需要一个计划,一个算法——这只是一个花哨的词,指的是逻辑上产生特定结果的一系列行动或过程。 You need a plan, an algorithm—which is just a fancy word for a series of actions or procedures that logically produce a particular outcome. 人们很容易把Waze或魔方当作生活的隐喻。 It’s tempting to think of Waze or a Rubik’s Cube as a metaphor for life. 如果我们想要实现我们的目标,我们需要一个从现在开始到达那里的计划,一个算法,一个基于可用的最佳数据和信息的计划。 If we want to achieve our goals, we need a plan to get there from here, an algorithm, a plan based on the best data and information that’s available. 数据越好,计划越好,我们就能实现更多的目标。 The better the data, the better the plan, the more we can achieve. 但这只适用于温和的问题。 But that only works for tame problems. 对于复杂的问题,我们需要一种不同的方法。 For wild problems we need a different approach. 我们不仅要考虑最好的路线,还要考虑去哪里。 We need to think about not just the best route, but where to go in the first place. 不要把生活看作是一系列的决策节点,在这些节点上,你要尽可能地最大化快乐或幸福,并展望未来,我建议你把它看作是一段旅程。 Instead of seeing life as a series of decision nodes where you maximize happiness or well-being looking ahead as best you can, I’ve suggested that you see it instead as a journey. 我应该带一个情人或一个朋友或几个朋友作伴吗?如果是的话,我该叫谁和我一起去呢? Should I take company—a lover or a friend or friends—and if so, who should I ask to come with me? 在旅途中,我该如何对待我的同行者? On that journey, how should I treat my fellow travelers? 如果我试图找到一个符合我们共同愿景的行程,而不仅仅是让我最快乐的,我将如何体验旅行? How might I experience the trip if I try to find an itinerary that emerges from our shared vision and not just what makes me the happiest? 我应该使用哪些原则,我如何在旅途中实施它们? What principles should I use and how might I implement them on the journey? 我如何为意外发现、意外和不可避免的现实留出空间? How do I make room for serendipity, the unexpected and the unavoidable reality that the unexpected is to be expected? 我有勇气让这条路出现并展开吗? Do I have the courage to let the path emerge and unfold? 我是否有勇气让我自己,我的本质,我的生活和爱的方式出现和展开,成为有机的而不是机械的? Do I have the courage to let my self, my essence, and how I live and love emerge and unfold as well, as something organic rather than mechanical? 这些问题没有答案。 These questions don’t have answers. 它们不是有待解决的问题,而是有待体验、品尝和细细品味的奥秘。 They’re not problems to be solved but mysteries to be experienced, tasted, and savored. 天地间有很多事情是你无法想象的,不仅是你的哲学,而且是你在人生道路上所期望的。 There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of not just in your philosophy but in what you might expect down the road as you go through life. 生活不是可用的【生活没法高德化】。 Life isn’t Wazeable. 与此同时,您可以继续将自己作为您所制作的工件进行工作。 In the meantime, you can continue to work on yourself as an artifact you craft. 我们的自然冲动是问:这对我有什么好处? Our natural impulse is to ask: What’s in it for me? 我会喜欢吗? Will I enjoy this? 这会很有趣吗? Is this going to be fun? 在生活的很多方面,这都是一个不错的起点。 In many parts of life, that’s not a bad starting place. 对于疯狂的问题,倒不如去寻求一种美好的生活,这样你能得到的可能会比你事先计划或期望的要多。 For wild problems, seek instead a life well lived, and what is in it for you may turn out to be more than you could have planned or hoped for in advance. 幸福,至少从有趣和让你感觉良好的东西的意义上来说,被高估了。 Happiness, at least in the sense of stuff that’s fun and makes you feel good, is overrated. 在回答调查问题时,它不能被简化为1到5的数字答案。 It can’t be reduced to a numerical answer on a scale of 1 to 5 in response to a survey question. 这对人类或政策制定者来说都不是一件好事。 It isn’t a good thing for humans, or policymakers, to aim for.

意义,目的,爱,繁荣,充分利用我们的天赋,这些都让我们的心歌唱。 Meaning, purpose, love, flourishing, using our gifts to the fullest, these are what make our hearts sing. 它们将我们提升到比我们自身更伟大的境界。 They raise us up to something greater than ourselves. 当我认为生活中有些部分超出了科学或科学方法的范围时,我有时会被称为非理性或反科学。 When I argue that there are parts of life outside the reach of science or the scientific method, I’m sometimes called irrational or anti-science. 但是,在科学属于的地方使用科学,在不属于的地方不使用科学,这是优秀科学的本质。 But using science where it belongs and not using it where it does not belong is the essence of good science. 认识到科学的局限性及其应用是一种美德——一种健康谦逊的标志。 Recognizing the limitations of science and where it applies is a virtue—a sign of healthy humility. 有些事情我们还不知道。 There are things we do not know. 甚至有些事情我们永远也不会知道。 There may even be things we will never know. 但我们在生活中经历的许多美好事物并不是我们知道或不知道的。 But much of the best that we experience in life is not something we know or don’t know. 最好的问题是那些没有答案的问题。 The best questions are the ones without answers. 在加尔文与霍布斯漫画的最后一幅漫画中,画家比尔·沃特森(Bill Watterson)展示了6岁的男孩加尔文(Calvin)与他的毛绒老虎霍布斯(Hobbes)一起,从刚覆盖着原始积雪的山上快乐地滑下雪橇。 In the final strip of the Calvin and Hobbes comic, Bill Watterson, the artist, showed Calvin, a six-year-old boy, tobogganing joyously down a hill freshly covered with pristine snow alongside his stuffed tiger, Hobbes. 加尔文告诉霍布斯,这是充满可能性的一天。 Calvin tells Hobbes it’s a day full of possibilities. 然后他说,“这是一个神奇的世界,霍布斯,老伙计…… Then he says, “It’s a magical world, Hobbes, ol’ buddy . . . 我们去探险吧!” Let’s go exploring!” 探索是这个世界如此神奇的原因之一。 The exploring is part of what makes the world so magical. 这些年来,随着我对生活的体验,我越来越不像一个经济学家,而更像一个加尔文主义者。 Over the years, as I’ve experienced life, I’ve become less of an economist and more of a Calvin-ist. 探索的重要性是一种理解你正在进行中的工作的方式。 The importance of exploring is a way of understanding that you are a work in progress. 你需要考虑一下你想要去哪里,以及当你到达那里时你会成为什么样的人。 You need to give some thought to where you want to go and who you will be when you get there. 以下是我对旅途的诗意建议。 Here’s my poetic advice for the journey. 我们就叫它“旅游咨询”吧。 Let’s call it “Travel Advisory.”

当心对确定性的渴望。 Beware the urge for certainty. 致命的锁。 The mortal lock. 这是肯定的。 The sure thing. 手握鸟的诱惑。 The lure of the bird in the hand. 也许有一两次,把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。 Maybe once or twice, put all your eggs in one basket. 给浪漫一个机会。 Take a chance On romance. 约她出去。 Ask her out. 或者他。 Or him. 拥抱表示怀疑。 Embrace doubt. 冒险。 Go out on a limb. 离开安全的路灯。 Leave the safety of the streetlight. 离开舒适的营火。 Leave the comfort of the campfire. 在夜晚快乐。 Delight in the night. 而不是吸血鬼 Without being a vampire. 找到公司【伙伴】。 Find company. 交朋友,赔罪。 Make friends, amends. 明星吗? The star? 试着成为一名演员。 Try being one of the cast. 要走远,不要走快。 Go far, not fast. 拉伸。 Stretch. 范围。 Reach. 有时去找挂得最高的桃子。 Sometimes go for the highest hanging peach. 不运行。 Don’t run. 走路。 Walk. 有时等待和观察。 Sometimes wait and watch. 试试烟熏威士忌。 Try smoky scotch. 不漂亮吗? Not nice? 试两次。 Try it twice. 或三次。 Or thrice. 为了原则,忽略价格。 For principles, ignore the price. 不要畏缩。 Don’t cower. 花,蓬勃发展。 Flower, Flourish. 滋养你内心的火焰。 Nourish Your inner fire. 追求。 Aspire. 高目标。 Aim high. 最好把目标定得更高。 Better still—aim higher. 我希望你的一生都过得很好,有时间在泳池里,也有时间不在泳池里,做一些对你和你身边的人都有意义的事情。 I wish you a life well lived, with time in the pool and time away from the pool, doing things that are meaningful to you and meaningful to those who are at your side. 安全的旅行。 Safe travels.

