英语口语 78描述一次他人制造噪声的经历

英语口语 78描述一次他人制造噪声的经历


Describe an occasion when someone made a lot of noise.
You should say:
·when and where it was
·who made the noise
·why they made noise
And explain how you felt about this noise.

There's one time when someone made a lot of noise, which gave me a big headache, even though in a way it wasn't really his fault. I have to tell you the story from the beginning.

It was in 2008 when I arrived in Rennes, a city in France, for my exchange program. I stayed in a youth hostel before I found a flat. I booked a bed in a shared room, as you do when you are a student. Anyway, I arrived at the youth hostel, desperate to catch up on some sleep, because I had gotten up at four that morning to catch the train to go from London to Paris, then from Paris to Rennes. I actually arrived at the youth hostel in the early afternoon, but I couldn't check in until later. So I started chatting with some other people in the lounge while I waited. They invited me to a Jazz concert for that same night. I just arrived in a new country alone.I was also desperate to make some new friends, so I said yes.

By the time I got back to the hostel it was already 11 pm, so I had stayed up for almost 20 hours. I climbed into my bed and passed out in just 2 seconds. Just when I thought I could finally sleep, this guy in my room started snoring like a thunderstorm. And you have to know, I'm a very sound sleeper. I don't get woken up easily, especially not when I'm that tired. I know it wasn't that guy's fault, but I was too sleep deprived to care about being polite. I woke him up to tell him to try to keep it down a bit. Of course,it wasn't something he could really control, so it stopped for a few minutes and then started again. I barely slept a wink that night.

I don't remember ever being so annoyed by someone snoring. So here you go that's my story. And a piece of advice to those who snore, DO NOT stay in a shared room when youI stay in youth hostels, for the sake of others.
