09 Pronuniciation 9

09 Pronuniciation 9


And finally, here is the italian alphabet. First you'll hear the letters pronounced by italians, then the town name usually used for spelling out the word.

a    Ancona

b    Bologna or Bari

c    Como

d    Domodossola

e    Empoli

f     Firenze

g    Genova

h    hotel

i     Imola

l     Livorno

m   Milano

n    Napoli

o    Otrando

p    Pisa

q    cu

r     Roma

s    Savona

t     Torino

u    Udine

v    Venezia

z    Zara

You probably noticed a number of place names arre stressed on the antepenultimate syllable. Finally, here the letters which are not considered Italien but which do occur mainly in foreign words.

j   k   w   x   y

