how to fight 一行禅师 A PAUSE

how to fight 一行禅师 A PAUSE

Suppose someone just said something unpleasant to you. Their words and the sound of their voice give you an unpleasant feeling.

You believe they are trying to make you suffer. Of course you feel the desire to react, to say something back.

You feel that if you can express your anger, if you can make them suffer, you will get relief.

Most of us react in that way. But mindfulness can help us pause for a moment and become aware of the anger building up in us.

Stopping gives us a chance to acknowledge and to transform our anger. When we feel anger, irritation, or indignation arising in us, we pause.

We stop and come back to our breathing straight away. We do not say or do anything when we are inhabited by this kind of energy, so we don’t escalate the conflict.

We wait until we’re calm again. Being able to pause is the greatest gift.

It gives us the opportunity to bring more love and compassion into the world rather than more anger and suffering
