Joyce Alcantara 乔伊斯•阿尔坎塔拉 You may see me struggle, but you won't see me fall. Regardless if I'm weak or not, I'm going to stand tall. 也许会彷徨失措 但是我绝不放弃 羸弱与否 我都昂首而立
Everyone says life is easy, but truly living it is not. Times get hard, people struggle and constantly get put on the spot. 人人都说生活很容易 走过一遭并非如此 日子难过了 众生也就无措了 屡陷入水深火热之中
I'm going to wear the biggest smile, even though I want to cry. I'm going to fight to live, even though I'm destined to die. 而我会冁然而笑 哪怕鼻头酸楚 我会拼尽全力 哪怕粉身碎骨
And even though it's hard and I may struggle through it all, you may see me struggle... but you will NEVER see me fall. 我还会披荆斩棘 哪怕遍体鳞伤 也许会彷徨失措 但我绝不言弃