It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow

It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow


It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow.

There would be no rainbows without sunshine and rain. The most beautiful things in life come with challenges. After facing bad situations we recognize and appreciate good moments. After experiencing failures we cherish success. This mindset gives us hope to handle the situation with courage and strength and helps us look at the brighter side of the situation.

Life isn’t always about sunshine, perfect or happy. Life is like a piano where both black and white keys together produce a melodious sound. Similarly, in our life, we have to face ups and downs. We have to face both situations in our lifetime, bad moments are either sometimes to make us stronger or learn something new from them. Good moments become more cheerful and joyful after tasting the bad moments. With sunshine and rain, our life becomes more colorful.

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