


Palace: Prince Harry(哈里王子) and Meghan Markle announce(宣布)engagement(订婚)

Here comes the next royal bride(皇室新娘): Meghan Markle, the first divorced(离过婚的), biracial(黑白混血), Jewish(犹太裔)American actress(女演员) to join the British royal family. In a history-making announcement, Clarence House(克拉伦斯王府,查尔斯王子的住所) said Monday that Prince Harry, 33, and his girlfriend, 36-year-old Markle, are engaged and will wed(结婚,办婚礼)in the spring.

When they do, Markle will be the most atypical(非典型的)royal bride ever,but certainly since American two-time divorcée(离婚的女子)Wallis Simpson nearly rocked the British monarchy(君主政权) off its 1,000-year-old foundations in 1936, when Edward VIII gave up his throne(王位)to marry her.The news comes after the couple made their first appearance together at an official public event —Harry'sInvictus Games(不可征服运动会,即国际残疾军人运动会)in Toronto —in September. Dressedcasually(日常地)and looking happy and relaxed with each other, the two held hands and talked animatedly(神采飞扬的) to each other as they sat on the sidelines(场边) of a wheelchair(轮椅)tennis match

Harry and Markle have been dating for more than a year but for the first six months, hardly anyone knew. They had managed to avoid all but the most persistent(顽固的,难以摆脱的)paparazzi(狗仔队) but their appearance at the Games— and the media photos that followed— madeplain(清楚)their relationship had reached a new level.That, in turn, set off feverish(热烈的)speculation(猜测)in the British media about their future. Now Markle, who's been married once before, is set to marry Harry, the world's most eligible(够资格的)royal bachelor(钻石王老五), in London.

She will make history as the first American, the first actress and the first biracial person to be welcomed into the British royal family, most likely as a royal duchess(公爵夫人) with the "Her Royal Highness" title(头衔)

Markle, who was raised in Los Angeles, has been living in Toronto for the past half-dozen years as a co-star(联合主演)of Suits(美剧,金装律师), the legal drama(法律剧)on the USA NetworkUSA电视台. The first half of the 7th season of Suits just ended and the show has wrapped up(集中于…) production for the second half, to air(播出) in 2018. Markle, however, is not expected to return for the 8th season.


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