


The 12-member board, which comprises(包括)eight indigenous(土著的) people representing the Anangu people, the Director(经理,园长) of National Parks(国家公园), and representatives from various government departments, said it made the decision after consulting(协商)with the traditional custodians of the sacred site(神圣之地). Chairman of the board Sammy Wilson said the site had deep cultural significance重要性. "It is an extremely important place, not a playground or theme park(主题公园) like Disneyland(迪士尼乐园)," Wilson said。"The government needs to respect what we are saying about our culture in the same way it expects us toabide by(遵守) its laws. "After much discussion, we've decided it's time."

这个由12名成员组成的董事会包括了8个代表阿南格族的土著人,国家公园的园长,以及政府各个部门的代表,称此项决议是通过和这片神圣之地的传统管理者协商之后采取的。董事长Sammy Wilson称这片土地有着非比寻常的文化重要性。“这是极其重要的土地,并非游乐场或者类似迪士尼乐园一样的主题公园”Wilson说。

 Since the 1950s, more than 30 people have died climbing the sandstone(砂岩) inselberg(孤山), which juts up 1,142 feet from the surrounding plains(平地). The sign(公告牌)at the base imploring(恳请)visitors not to climb reads: "We, the traditional Anangu owners have this to say. Uluru is sacred in our culture, a place of great knowledge. Under our traditional law, climbing is not permitted(被允许的). This is our home. As custodians, we are responsible for your safety and behavior. Too many people do not listen to our message. Too many people have died or been hurt causing great sadness. We worry about you and we worry about your family. Please don't climb." 




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