Veni, Vidi, Vici = I came, I saw, I conquered (Julius Caesar)
Latin you see:
a.m/p.m –ante meridiem/post meridiem=beforenoon/after noon
A.D.-Anno Domini 公元
P.S= Post Scriptum 备注,后记(又及)
Etc- et cetera 等
e.g.-exempli gratia=For example 例如
i.e.-id est= That is 即
Per cent 百分之…
Per capita 人均
Versus 对(对抗)
雅思材料里常见的N.B.=Nota Bene =Note Well注意
Latin you hear:
CV=Curriculum Vitae 简历
Alma Mater = Nourishing Mother 母校
Status quo 现状
Quid pro quo=this for that 交换条件
-In politics, nobody does anything for nothing, there isalways a quid pro quo involved.
-You don't have to give me anything, it is not a quid proquo situation.
Vice versa 反之亦然
She can’t stand him and vice versa
Alibi 不在场证明
Pro Bono (Publico) 公益性质(无偿)服务
He will take this case pro bono.
Carpe diem=seize the day 抓住今天及时行乐
good voice i love it
英语主播璐璐 回复 @Will_best: Thanks for the support!
ceteris paribus 学术上也好常见。
英语主播璐璐 回复 @一只说要去看海的话痨: 是滴是滴,学术,特别医学法律更多拉丁文啦
Seize the day.
英语主播璐璐 回复 @风禾向日葵: 最喜欢这样的评论
英语主播璐璐 回复 @lison235: 很开心你喜欢~
请教: 数学里面的a vs. b,意思是a除以b,还是b除以a?
英语主播璐璐 回复 @乐呵呵爱我我爱: veni,vidi,vici
每天必听,just like eating drinking everyday!
最近在准备MTI 刚好都背到了 有亲切的熟悉感哈哈 发音超棒~
英语主播璐璐 回复 @可小乐v5: 嗯啊~有收获就行~可以去公众号查看相关节目的文稿哦~