As a parent, you:
-Raise your child (kid) = Bring up your child 抚养孩子
A good upbringing 良好家教(家庭环境)
-Nurture your child 养育孩子
-Educate your child 教育孩子
-Discipline your child 管教孩子
You probably shouldn’t:
-indulge your child (too much) (过分)宠溺
-dote on your child (too much)
-spoil your child 溺爱
You really shouldn’t:
-abuse your child 虐待
-neglect your child 疏于照顾
When a child is good, you call him/her =TOO MANY!
看到熊孩子, you can call them:
Brat 顽童
Rascal 淘气鬼
Little rascal =
When they have donesomething bad, you:
- Call their full name out loud! 大声叫全名
(in Englishspeaking countries, this even includes middle names)
*JessicaC. Smith – Jessica Carrie Smith!!
- Tell them off (BrE) 训斥
-Set a curfew (for older children) 定点回家(宵禁)
-Ground them and take away their privileges(TV/phone/tablets/gaming…)
体罚-We know it is not good, but it still happens…
Spank 打屁股
Slap 打耳光
Hit 打
Beat 揍
The last two or eventhree will definitely be considered abuse in English-speaking countries.
Parenting styles:
Hyper parenting 高压家教 (Tiger mum)
Helicopter parent 直升机家长
Overprotective parent 过度保护
Doting parent 宠溺型
Nurturing parent 用爱心养育
“good cop, bad cop” 唱红脸白脸
Thank you for giving us such a wonderful program. It is very helpful to our English,your voice is magnetic.
英语主播璐璐 回复 @Guteberg: 到时候再紧张~
英语主播璐璐 回复 @侯天一小主播: 不好意思哦,明天开始复更
最近在看fresh off the boat,这期完美契合
璐璐看过good luck Charlie吗?
英语主播璐璐 回复 @1394787kprf: 看到过,但是没看过呢