


Pulitzer Prize-winning storyteller and National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek has been walking across China since last fall and planned to make his way through a host of municipalities and provinces including Sichuan, Shaanxi and Heilongjiang. His trek was recorded in a 10-episode documentary series that recently premiered. Salopek has been walking across the globe since 2013, documenting stories of human migration, technological and climate change. 

①Pulitzer Prize-winning storyteller and National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek has been walking across China since last fall and planned to make his way through a host of municipalities and provinces including Sichuan, Shaanxi and Heilongjiang.

1. Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖

2. -winning adj. 赢得……奖项的

Oscar-winning actress 奥斯卡奖得主女演员

3. storyteller n. 作家;讲故事的人

My grandmother was a pretty good storyteller.

4. National Geographic 《国家地理》

5. explorer n. 探险家

explore v. 探险
explore an island 在一个岛屿上探险
explore an European city 探索一个欧洲城市
explore the history of a castle 探索一个城堡的历史

6. make one’s way through 小心缓慢地穿越……

We made our way through the crowd to the river.

7. a host of 许多,大量(a lot of)

a host of problems 一堆问题
a host of friends 一群朋友
a host of benefits 许多好处

8. municipality n. 自治市

four direct-controlled municipalities 直辖市

9. province n. 省

②His trek was recorded in a 10-episode documentary series that recently premiered.

1. record v. 记录,录制

2. documentary n. 纪录片

document n. 文件
confidential documents 保密文件
legal documents 法律文件

document v. 记录,记载
Causes of the disease have been well documented.

3. premiere v./n. 首演,首映

The play was premiered in New York.
The film will premiere this weekend.

world premiere 全球首映
red-carpet premieres 红毯首映

premier n. 总理 adj. 高端的,最好的,最重要的

③Salopek has been walking across the globe since 2013, documenting stories of human migration, technological and climate change.

1. document v. 记录,记载(record)

2. migration n. 迁徙;移民

migrate v. 移民
migrant n. 移民

