


Small is the cooing dove,
But it can fly above.
My heart feels sad and drear,
Missing my parents dear.
Till daybreak I can't sleep,
Lost so long in thoughts deep.

Those who are grave and wise,
In drinking won't get drunk;
But those who have dull eyes
In drinking will be sunk.
From drinking be restrained.
What's lost can't be regained.

There are beans in the plain;
People gather their grain.
The insect has young ones;
The sphex bears them away.
So teach and train your sons
Lest they should go astray.
The wagtails wing their ways
And twittering they're gone.
Advancing are my days;
Your months are going on.
Early to rise and late to bed!

Come back, flying in rows.
All people gay appear;
Alone I'm sad and drear.
O what crime have I even
Committed against Heaven?
With pain my heart's pierced through.
Alas! what can I do?
The highway should be plain,
But it's o'ergrown with grass.
My heart is wound'd with pain
As if I'm pound'd, alas!
Sighing, I lie still dressed;
My grief makes me grow old.
I feel deeply distressed,
Gnawed by headache untold.
The mulberry and other
Trees planted by our mother
And father are protected
As our parents are respected.
Without the fur outside
And the lining inside,
Don't disgrace those by whom you're bred!

The greenbeaks on their tour
Peck grain in the stack-yard.
I am lonely and poor,
Unfit for working hard.
I go out to divine
How can I not decline.
Precarious, ill at ease,
As if perched on trees;
Careful lest I should ail
On the brink of a vale;
I tremble twice or thrice
As treading on thin ice.
