This is a column chart, clearly illustrating the striking contrasts in part-time jobs by college students in a certain university. Overall, seniors have the largest proportion of part-time jobs, with 88. 24%. Then, the next are juniors and sophomores, at 71.93% and 71. 13% respectively. Finally come freshmen, with 67. 77%. It is also noticeable that over half of students in four grades take part-time jobs.
Such statistics can be associated with the popularity of leisure-time jobs among youngsters in college, but what result in this phenomenon? For one thing, college life is characterized by two long vacations—summer and winter vacations, which enable students in college to have adequate spare time to broaden their horizons and gain additional income by doing part-time jobs. For another, compared with students in lower grades, seniors possess richer professional knowledge, greater demand for working experience and less courses. So, a larger percentage of them take part-time positions.
University authorities are supposed to provide certain support and guidance for students on how to find and do part-time jobs well. Meanwhile, it is essential for college students to work out comprehensive strategies to balance their academic pursuit and sparetime work.
As an adult student, I deem that it is necessary for us to do part-time jobs, which may bring us an opportunity to know the society, arouse our passion for life and helps ease our financial burden.