The strength of believing The fisherman didn't know where the fish were before he went to sea. But they set out because they believed they would come back with a bang. Most of the time in life, not to see the opportunity to start action, but action to have the opportunity. All success begins with believing and deciding to take action. 渔夫出海前, 并不知道鱼在哪里? 可是他们还是选择出发, 因为他们相信自己会满载而归。 人生很多时候,不是看到机会才开始行动,而是行动了才有机会。 所有的成功都是开始于相信,并且决定采取行动持续积累而成的。
Mr强_星光 回复 @长安紫潇: 感恩遇见感恩信任