




Section  Use of English (10 points)

1. A    2. B    3. D  4. C 5. A

6. A 7. C8. B    9. D  10. C

11. D   12. A    13. B  14. A   15. D   

16. B    17. D   18. C    19. C   20. B

Section  Reading Comprehension (60 points)

Part A (40 points)

21. B  22. C  23. D  24. A  25. D  

26. D  27. C  28. B  29. A  30. C

31. D  32. B  33. B  34. A  35. A  

36. A  37. C  38. C  39. D  40. B

Part B (10 points)

41. C  42. F  43. G   44. D  45. B

Part C (10 points)

46. 这也解释了为何当我们力图用语言描述音乐时只能说清对它的感受,而无法抓住音乐本身。

47. 人们都认为贝多芬是个思想自由且勇敢无畏的人,我认为勇气是理解其作品的关键,更不用说演奏其作品了。

48. 贝多芬惯于先把乐曲的音量增到极致,然后再突然跟上一段轻柔的段落,在他之前,鲜有作曲家运用这样的手段。


50. 贝多芬的大部分作品可以这样来解读:痛苦是不可避免的,但是战胜痛苦的勇气使活着更有意义。

Section  Writing (30 points)

Part A (10 points)

Dear Mr. President,

     A recent survey conducted by a student of our university discovered the health of the university’s student body is well below average. This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. To remedy the matter, I suggest the following actions be taken.

     Firstly, the university should adjust the curriculum to require students to enroll in a minimum of one P.E. course per semester. Secondly, the university cafeteria should offer more health-conscious choices. Thirdly, sports facilities should be accessible to all students during designated hours. Lastly, the university should provide students with counseling to educate and promote healthy living standards.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. If the above mentioned proposals are taken into consideration, I believe the health of the university’s student body would improve significantly.


                                                             Li Ming

Part B (20 points)

The drawing illustrates a young mother leading her little daughter by the hand and thirty years later the daughter, as a fully grown adult, holding her elderly mother’s arm. In both parts of the drawing, the mother and daughter beam with love and happiness, for they have “accompanied and supported one another” all the time, just as the drawing is captioned. 

apparently, the drawing intends to convince us that the younger generation and their parents should always take care of each other, especially when one side is weak. Before reaching adulthood, children are little, inexperienced and unknowledgeable, forced to rely on their parents to teach and care for them.As parents grow older,their mental capacity diminishes and their body loses strength, it is then their children’s turn to look after them. However, many people just take their parents’ devoted care and guidance for granted and neglect to give their elderly parents the love and support they deserve. 

In my view, the fault of those people lies in that they don’t realize to love, as well as to be loved, can bring one great pleasure, especially to love those who have cared for us. As a matter of fact, the parental care and filial piety the picture depicts make a perfect cycle of life, and the reason why it is full of happiness and harmony is just that the cycling of receiving and giving forms a solid bond between people. It is the bond they share that brings them such senses of security and contentment which merely taking without giving back never does.

