38 A Real Stewart ACT II

38 A Real Stewart ACT II


It's almost ten o'clock. 差不多十点了。
I've got to go. Tomorrow is Monday, 我得走了。明天是星期一。
and work begins at eight in the morning for me. 早晨八点我就得开始工作。
Oh, I'm so happy that Max is home. 噢,我真高兴Max回到家了。
He's the sweetest little thing. 他是最可爱的小家伙。
I'll drive you to the station, dear. 我开车送你到车站,亲爱的。
You can catch the ten-twenty train to Grand Central Station. 你能赶上开往Grand Central Station的十点二十分班车。
I'll drive Susan, dear. 我送Susan ,亲爱的。
Thank you, Philip. 谢谢你,Philip。
Then Grandpa, Robbie, 那么爷爷,Robbie,
and I can finish wrapping all these gifts. 和我可以把这些礼物包装完。
It's so good to have you home again ... 真高兴又回家了...... 
and to see Max asleep in his bassinet at home with us. 真高兴看到Max和我们一起睡在家里的摇篮。
To be with our family and all that Stewart TLC. 真高兴和全家人在一起,受到Stewart家族无微不至的照顾。
TLC--tender loving care. TLC----温暖的爱护和关怀。
That's our motto. 这是我们的格言。
Did you see the washcloth 你看见浴巾
and the towels with the teddy bears on them? 上面有泰迪绒毛玩具熊的?
Alexandra and the Molinas sent them for Max. 那是Alexandra和 Molina全家送给Max的。
It was so kind of them. 他们太客气了。
Now Max has come into everyone's life. 现在Max走进了每个人的生活。
The house is so alive with him here. 有了他在这间屋显得生气蓬勃。
The welcome sign over the door. 门上的欢迎标语。
The boxes of presents. 那些礼物盒。
The M-A-X over his bassinet. 摇篮上的MAX字样。
Robbie put that there. 这是Robbie弄的。
Susan's teddy bear. Susan送的泰迪绒玩具熊。
So cuddly. The beautiful crib from Mom and Dad. 抱起来真舒服。爸爸妈妈送的漂亮婴儿床。
Oh, and Grandpa's baseball glove. 噢,还有爷爷的棒球手套。
You know, it hung over my crib, too. 要知道,我的小床也曾有过它。
And it hung over Robbie's crib. Robbie的小床也有过。
Part of Grandpa's magic? 这是爷爷的魔法的一部分吗?
Oh, that's not all. 噢,还没完呢。
It hung over Susan's crib. Susan的小床也曾有过。
The same baseball glove? 同一个棒球手套吗?
That's right. Grandpa hangs it there for good luck. 是的。爷爷把它挂起以求好运。
He says it always brought him good luck on the baseball team. 他说当年他在棒球队时手套总是带给他好运。
He believes it'll bring good luck to all the Stewart babies. 他相信这手套会给Stewart家所有的婴儿带来好运。
And then he takes it back 然后他就把它收着
when Max is ready to use it? 当Max长大能使用这手套时?
Yes, 是的,
and replaces it with a new glove 用一个新的手套来换
so the old one will be ready 而这个旧的又可准备
for a new member of the Stewart family. 给Stewart家的新成员了。
Grandpa really loves his family, doesn't he? 爷爷确实很爱这个家庭,是吗?
So do I. 我也一样。
And so do I. 我也一样。
And so does Max. Max也一样。
After he eats! 等他吃饱了!

Grandpa loves his family.
So does she.
Grandpa loves his family.
So does he.
There's a lot of love here
every single day.
Grandpa loves his family.
So do they.
Susan works in business.
So does he.
Richard likes his exercise.
So does she.
Philip works with children.
She works with them, too.
She works in a hospital.
So does he, it's true.
Grandpa likes to be outside
on a summer day.
He likes to be outdoors fishing,
and so do they.
Marilyn has curly hair.
So does she.
Grandpa has a little hair.
So does he.
Harry likes to see the sights
on a beautiful day.
Harry likes to see the sights,
and so do they.
Grandpa likes to be outside
on a summer day.
He likes to be outdoors fishing,
and so do they.
Philip loves his family.
Susan loves her family.
There's a lot of love here
every single day.
Grandpa loves his family,
and so do they.
... and so do they.
... and SO ... DO ... THEY. 

