44 Second Honeymoon 二度蜜月 ACT II

44 Second Honeymoon 二度蜜月 ACT II


Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. 走这边 ,Stewart先生和太太。
Well, it's small, but clean. 噢 ,它是小了点 ,但是干净。
Clean? You call this clean? 干净?这样算干净?
Have a nice stay. 希望你们住得愉快。
Thank you. I don't believe this. 谢谢。我简直不敢相信。
Well, it isn't the Watermill Inn, 算了 ,这不是Watermill Inn ,
but let's get a look at the view. 但让我们来瞧一瞧景色。
How is the view? 景色怎么样?
Great, if you enjoy looking at a parking lot. 好得很,假如你喜欢看一个停车场的话。
Well, maybe we'll see the view in the morning. 好了, 也许我们可以在早晨看风景。
Right now, we should clean up this room. 现在,我们应当清理一下房间。
Sorry, Marilyn. 对不起,Marilyn 。
Why should you be sorry? 你何必说对不起呢?
Well, the rain, the room, the view of the parking lot. 唉,这雨,这房间,这停车场的景色。
It isn't the way I hoped it would be. 这不是我所盼望的。
Stop blaming yourself. 别责备你自己了。
After all, we're here, we're alone, we're together. 毕竟,我们来到这儿了,我们又单独在一起了。
And I love you. Isn't that enough? 我爱你。难道这还不够?
It is for me, 对我来说当然足够,
but I wanted this weekend to be special for you. 但我希望这个周末对你来说很特别。
It is special. Happy anniversary. 确实很特别。结婚周年快乐。
It's still raining. I want to play tennis. 仍然在下雨。我想打网球。
I want some breakfast. 我想吃早餐。
Let's call room service and order a nice breakfast, 让我们打电话给房间服务部订一份可口的早餐,
and then we'll figure out what to do today. 然后我们再决定今天做些什么。
Right. Would you give me room service, please? 好。请接房间服务部,可以吗?
I beg your pardon? Oh, I see. 你说什么? 噢,我明白了。
They don't have room service at Old Country Inn. Old Country Inn没有早餐服务部。
Well, let's go down to the coffee shop. 哦,那我们下去咖啡厅吧。
They don't have a coffee shop. 他们也没有咖啡厅。
We can get our meals at Mrs. Montefiore's down the road. 我们可以沿大路走到Montefiore太太的旅馆去吃。
That's OK, honey. 没有关系的,亲爱的。
I love walking in the rain. 我喜欢在雨中散步。
Oh, you're being a really good sport about this, Marilyn, 噢,在这件事情上,你倒变成一个看得很开的人,Marilyn,
but I think we should face the truth. 但我认为我们应面对现实。
What's that? 什么意思?
This is not the way to spend our fifth anniversary. 这不是我们过五周年纪念日的方式。
Well, what do you want to do? 那你想干什么?
Why don't we get in the car and drive home? 我们何不开车回家?
Oh, Richard, it really isn't that bad. 喔,Richard, 事情没有那么糟。
Do you want to stick it out for the whole weekend? 难道你想在此耗掉整个周末?
Well, I'll admit the room is uncomfortable. 嗯,我承认这个房间很不舒服。
Uh-hum. 嗯哼。
And I do feel bad about your mother 而且我觉得很过意不去让你母亲
having to take care of the baby all weekend. 整个周末照顾孩子。
Why don't we just check out? 那何不立即结帐离开?
OK. 好吧。
Hello? Yes. Yes, this is she. 喂?是的,是的,是我。
Oh, hello! How nice of you to remember us! 噢,你好!你真好还记得我们!
Yes, my husband did call. 是的,我丈夫打过电话。
You do? Really? It won't be any trouble? 有? 真的? 不会有任何麻烦?
Oh, yes, I think we'd like that very much. 噢, 好的,我想我们非常乐意。
Fifteen minutes! Thank you. Good-bye. 十五分钟, 谢谢。再见。
You will never guess. 你绝对猜不到。
Uh ... I give up. 嗯……我放弃猜。
Mrs. Montefiore from the Watermill Inn. 是Watermill Inn的Montefiore太太打来的电话。
What is she calling about? 她打来说什么?
They have an opening. 他们有一个空房间。
Someone just checked out. 有一个人刚刚结帐走了。
and Mrs. Montefiore has reserved the honeymoon suite for us. Montefiore太太为我们保留了蜜月套房。
You're kidding! 你在开玩笑!
No. Isn't it wonderful? 不,这不是很美妙吗?
It's fantastic! 太棒了!
Oh. Now all it has to do is stop raining. 噢。现在唯一希望的就是停止下雨。
Let's go. 我们走吧。

Marilyn and Richard hope to have
a wonderful weekend.
Hope to have, hope to have.
But Richard doesn't like the view.
"Great, if you enjoy looking at a parking lot."
He doesn't enjoy looking at cars.
Enjoy looking, enjoy looking.
When two verbs are together
in a sentence. The second verb,
sometimes has "to" in front of it.
Sometimes it ends in "ing."
Marilyn is happy.
We're here, we're alone,
we're together.
And I love you.
But it keeps raining all night long.
Keeps raining, keeps raining.
The next morning
Richard wants to play tennis.
Wants to play, wants to play.
Marilyn suggests going to the coffee shop.
Suggests going, suggests going.
They don't have a coffee shop.
But they need to eat breadfast.
Need to eat, need to eat.
After enjoy, keep and suggest
use a verb with "ing."
And with hope, want and need
use a verb with "to" in front of it.
What are they going to do?
I love walking in the rain.
She loves walking in the rain,
loves walking.
She loves to walk in the rain,
loves to walk.
After love use a verb with "ing."
You can also use a verb with "to" in front of it.

