Day17- went past 走过路过…

Day17- went past 走过路过…


昨天我们描述了一个闹别扭的词串“fall out”,闹不愉快,争吵。以下是几个同学的造句:

1.     Leoand Lee are twins. They fall out sometimes, but always make up soon. LeoLee是双胞胎兄弟,他们有时会闹别扭,但是总是很快又重归于好了。

2.     Wefell out. I don’t want to talk to him anymore. 我们闹翻了,我再也不想跟他说话了。


Dad took Kipper to school. They went past the library, they saw a lady was painting the wall;They went past the postoffice, they saw mailmen were checking the mails; they went past the market, they saw people wereshopping. They saw many new things on the way. “They had a busy morning.” saidKipper. They got to school. Kipper said goodbye to dad. When he went past the playground,he saw a drawing on the wall. It was an ugly drawing of him. Kipper was upsetand Mrs. May was cross. She made the students wipe it up. It was time forpainting class. Kipper had an idea. “Miss Green, could we paint happy faces onthe wall?” said Kipper. “It was a good idea.” said Miss green. She started todraw circles on the wall and the children painted faces. Now the wall lookedgood and everyone liked it. From then on, when people went past the wall, they would see thelovely faces. Good for Kipper.” everyone said. Kipper一路上经过这么多地方看到这么多事情的发生,有开心的有难过的,但最后还是度过了愉快的一天。大家有没有听到一个词不断重复地跳进你的耳朵呢。是的,那就是“went past”,路过,经过的意思,went past也是我们今天的学习内容,来看例句:

1.     Iwent past the shop, I saw two men were fighting. 我路过这个商店时,正好看到两个男人在打架;

2.     Iwent past 2 blocks, I finally found a toilet. 我走过2个街区,终于找了一个厕所。

好了¸ 亲爱的小伙伴们,现在你们就来用“went past“跟大家讲述下自己经过的地方看到过的事情吧。 Have a go and see you next time.


英语口语 亲子英语 英语故事 中小学英语 

