Day9-fall off 哎呀,我的眼镜掉了

Day9-fall off 哎呀,我的眼镜掉了


在开始今天的新课前,我们先来回顾两个故事片段,The 1st:Wilf played a trick on his dad with his friends, he made a giant snowman infront of the door. When his dad opened the door, he saw it and got surprised. Dadmade everyone laugh, mum took a photograph for them. Suddenly, the snow fell off the roof, the 5children became 5 snowmen. Wilf和他的朋友们给爸爸耍了个小把戏,他在家门前堆了个大雪人,爸爸开门的时候看到后感到一阵惊讶。爸爸把大家逗乐了。妈妈给他们拍了照。突然,雪从屋顶上滑落下来,5个孩子变成了5个雪人了。大家都对故事的结尾还记忆犹新吧。

The 2ndKipperplayed with Anna in the ball pit. He fell into the ball pit like a batman and Annadid the same thing, but her glasses fell off. She couldn’t find them in the ball pit. She was upset.KipperAnna在球池里玩耍。Kipper像蝙蝠侠一样跳进球池。Anna学他的样儿也玩了起来,但是她的眼镜却掉进球池里,找也找不着,可郁闷了。

有个词串在这两个故事片段都出现了,第一句是“The snow fell off the roof.” 雪从屋顶掉了下来。第二句是“Her glasses fell off.” 她的眼镜滑落了。聪明的你已经知道了,我们今天就要讲“fell off”,指的是跌落,滑落的意思。来看例句:

1.     The TV fell off the wall, it got smashed. 电视机从墙上掉下来了,摔碎了。

2.     My shoes are too big, theyalways fall off. 我的鞋子太大了,他们总是滑落了。

好了,小伙伴们, 试着用fell off 跌落,滑落来造句吧。Have a go, and see you next time.


---少儿英语--小学英语--听故事, 学英语--中小学英语--英语口语--亲子英语---


