



Frankfurter-munching phenom Joey Chestnut gobbled his way to a 15th win at the Nathan's Famous Fourth of July hot dog eating contest, powering down 63 hot dogs and buns. In a decisive chowdown comeback, women's record-holder Miki Sudo downed 40 wieners and buns to win the women's title after skipping last year's frank fest because she was pregnant. It also marked the contest's return to its traditional location outside Nathan's flagship shop in Brooklyn's Coney Island neighborhood.

①Frankfurter-munching phenom Joey Chestnut gobbled his way to a 15th win at the Nathan's Famous Fourth of July hot dog eating contest, powering down 63 hot dogs and buns.

1. phenom n. 了不起的人物

phenomenon n. 现象
phenomenal adj. 非凡的,杰出的

2. frankfurter n. 小香肠

3. munch v. 大声吃东西

munch the chicken sandwiches 大声嚼着鸡肉三明治
I munched my way through a bowl of cereal.

4. gobble v. 吃得很快,狼吐虎咽

5. contest n. 比赛,竞赛

beauty contest 选美大赛
English speaking contest 英语演讲比赛

6. power down 狼吞虎咽

②In a decisive chowdown comeback, women's record-holder Miki Sudo downed 40 wieners and buns to win the women's title after skipping last year's frank fest because she was pregnant.

1. chow down 狼吞虎咽(gobble/power down)

2. record-holder 纪录保持者

hold a record 保持纪录

3. down v. 一口气吃掉,狼吞虎咽(gobble)

4. wiener n. 维也纳香肠

5. skip v. 跳过,不参加

skip class 翘课
skip breakfast 不吃早饭

③It also marked the contest's return to its traditional location outside Nathan's flagship shop in Brooklyn's Coney Island neighborhood.

1. flagship shop 旗舰店

flagship brand 旗舰品牌
flagship product 旗舰产品

  • 神行者2024

    Frankfurter小香肠,phenom了不起的人,phenomenal非凡的,munch大口吃,cereal谷物,gobble狼吞虎咽,Power down狼吞虎咽,哎,decisive决定性的

  • 菲菲星光


  • 肉肉的南尼
