7.26早读 | Wellerman

7.26早读 | Wellerman


今天是Gwen陪你早读的第 2435 天哦!


1. 曾经有一个XX

2. 驾船出海

3. 狂风大作。

4. 恶棍,暴徒

7.26 早读原文

There once was a ship that put to sea.

The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea.

The winds blew up, her bow dipped down.

Oh~Blow, my bully boys, blow (Huh!)


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BGM:Nathan Evans - Wellerman (Sea Shanty)





音标符号来自权威词典| Longman Dictionary


1. once 包含易错音组 /ʌn/;

2. ship /ɪ/ sea /iː/ 注意元音音质的差异;

3. blew(w) up 词间元元连读+/w/;

4. bow 含义不同,发音不同:

/baʊ/ n. 船头;鞠躬

/bəʊ/ n. 弓;蝴蝶结。


1. 词链儿:There once was a XX 曾经有一个XX

= once there was a XX

= there was a XX once

There once was a poor farmer who had four sons.


原声例句:There once was a little boy who wanted to make hot chocolate.


原声例句:There once was a student who loved to study.


There was a survey once.



Once there was a boy, very different from all the other boys.



2. 词链儿:put (out) to sea 驾船出海

= sail a boat away from land

3. 词链儿:blow up〔恶劣天气〕突然来临;风、暴风雨大作

英释:if bad weather blows up, it suddenly arrives

A storm was blowing up.


4. bow n. 船头

What is a bulbous bow for?


5. bully boy n. 恶棍,暴徒


请用 There once was a XX 随意造句



Nathan Evans

There once was a ship that put to sea

The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea

The winds blew up her bow dipped down

O blow my bully boys blow huh

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go

She had not been two weeks from shore

When down on her a right whale bore

The captain called all hands and swore

He'd take that whale in tow huh

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go

Before the boat had hit the water

The whale's tail came up and caught her

All hands to the side harpooned and fought her

When she dived down low huh

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go

No line was cut no whale was freed

The captain's mind was not of greed

And he belonged to the Whaleman's creed

She took that ship in tow huh

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go

For forty days or even more

The line went slack then tight once more

All boats were lost there were only four

But still that whale did go

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go

As far as I've heard the fight's still on

The line's not cut and the whale's not gone

The Wellerman makes his regular call

To encourage the captain crew and all

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go




A little effort every day, you will make a big difference.




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  • 一粟86

    a little 什么 everyday?

  • 听友125606189

    There once was a place that was beautiful.