Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed


《安妮花 磨出宝宝英文耳朵1》是“安妮花 磨耳朵”系列的预备级的第一级,使安妮鲜花请加拿大教研团队的资深教师根据他们的教学经验,挑选出的最好听的12首欧美儿歌,并将其制作成绘本和flash。这套绘本适合更小年龄的中国宝宝进行磨耳朵训练,也可以作为胎教使用。

  • 安妮花石家庄谈固馆

    “It’s time for bed,” said Mama. So five little monkeys washed their faces, brushed their teeth, and put their pj’s on. They kissed their mama and said,” good night.” And guess what happened then…… Five little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed! Four little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

    浅风细语 回复 @安妮花石家庄谈固馆: 第一排

  • 安妮花石家庄谈固馆

    Three little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed! Two little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed! One little monkey jumped on the bed. She fell off and bumped her head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed! So one by one they fell asleep, Each having the same wonderful dream that in the morning their mama had bought then... the BIGGEST trampoline!

  • 萤火虫flying


    安妮花石家庄谈固馆 回复 @萤火虫flying: 歌词已添加,久等了,谢谢支持

  • 花茗未闻


    安妮花石家庄谈固馆 回复 @花茗未闻: 回复第一排,歌词已添加。喜马拉雅无法同步播放歌词的

  • 小旭_o3


  • 听友418339785

  • 晓音丽声


  • 1517192lyda小可爱

    孩子喜欢 , 加油!

  • 1598141vsjj


  • zyx_小小鱼
