Down through the Chimney

Down through the Chimney


《安妮花 磨出宝宝英文耳朵1》是“安妮花 磨耳朵”系列的预备级的第一级,使安妮鲜花请加拿大教研团队的资深教师根据他们的教学经验,挑选出的最好听的12首欧美儿歌,并将其制作成绘本和flash。这套绘本适合更小年龄的中国宝宝进行磨耳朵训练,也可以作为胎教使用。

  • 安妮花石家庄谈固馆

    Down through the chimney I heard Santa creep. He ate one of my cookies but didn’t see me. He filled our tiny stockings for he thought I was asleep, And laid presents underneath our Christmas tree. Then, Santa gave a wink and was out of sight, Flying through the sky on this glorious Christmas night! I yawned then smiled as I lay by our tree. The magic of Christmas tonight I did see.

  • 听友228925504


  • 肖占梅


  • 13683039sai

  • 鱼無俞


  • 茜茜_mta

    !小义少多/过,。?'架。:! !::! :

  • 刘晓晶_1q

    Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say "Did you ever see a fly Wearing a tie?" Down by the bay. Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say "Did you ever see a bear