6月2日早间英文播报:Xi vows closer relations with Zambia, UAE

6月2日早间英文播报:Xi vows closer relations with Zambia, UAE


Countries' leaders pledge to continue to stand with China, appreciate assistance

China stands ready to work with Zambia and the United Arab Emirates in supporting each other's core interests and upholding the shared rights and interests of developing countries, President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday.

Xi made the remark in separate phone conversations with Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema and UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

While speaking with Hichilema, Xi hailed the robust development of bilateral ties, saying that the friendship between China and Zambia is unbreakable.

Both countries should strategically handle their relationship and support each other on issues concerning their core interests, Xi said.

He called for strengthening strategic communication and policy coordination between China and Zambia, fully implementing the "nine projects" under the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, deepening mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields and working together to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Noting that both China and Zambia are developing countries, Xi said that strengthening solidarity and cooperation with African countries, including Zambia, is China's sustained, resolute and strategic option.

He underlined the need for China and Africa to pursue an independent foreign policy, resolutely uphold international fairness and justice, and safeguard the international system with the United Nations at the core, as well as the international order underpinned by international law.

China is prepared to work with African countries to advance high-quality cooperation on the joint construction of the Belt and Road, and intensify cooperation in the fields of healthcare, poverty reduction, trade, investment, green development and the digital economy to help Africa realize economic recovery and sustainable development, Xi said.

Hichilema expressed his appreciation for China's assistance in his country's national construction and development, as well as in its fight against the pandemic.

He said that Zambia is willing to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning with the Communist Party of China, consolidate the traditional friendship and promote the greater development of bilateral ties with the spirit of mutual trust and cooperation.

Zambia resolutely upholds the one-China policy, and it supports the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, Global Development Initiative and Global Security Initiative, and wants to work with China to implement them actively, Hichilema said.

In the telephone conversation with the UAE president, Xi said that the China-UAE comprehensive strategic partnership has been constantly improving, with their friendly cooperation in various fields reaching the best level in history.

He mentioned the countries' joint work in pandemic response and his meeting with Sheikh Mohamed in February when the latter came to China to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

China is willing to work with the UAE to consolidate their friendship, solidify their mutual trust and deepen their cooperation in order to make their comprehensive strategic partnership more meaningful and deliver more benefits to the two peoples, Xi said.

He stressed that China resolutely supports the UAE in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and stability, and also supports it in exploring a development path suited to its national conditions.

China would work with the UAE in supporting each other's core interests, jointly upholding the basic norms governing international relations and safeguarding the common interests of developing countries, Xi added.

He called for strengthening bilateral cooperation on pandemic response and the Belt and Road Initiative as well as promoting bilateral cultural and people-to-people exchanges.

China will maintain close communication with the UAE on international and regional affairs, bolster coordination with it on the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, jointly uphold peace and stability in the Middle East and advance the improvement of the global governance system so that it will become more equitable and reasonable, Xi said.

The UAE president said that he values the brotherly friendship with President Xi and will do his utmost to promote bilateral ties.

He reiterated that the UAE will firmly stand with China as always, and their partnership will surely enjoy a brighter future benefiting the two peoples.

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播报:Corrie Knight

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