The Pied Piper of Hamelin 哈默林的花衣吹笛人(下)| 原版英语童话故事

The Pied Piper of Hamelin 哈默林的花衣吹笛人(下)| 原版英语童话故事


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「Then the Pied Piper went into the streets of Hamelin and began to play a strange tune. The rats heard the tune and stopped what they were doing. 」


「Suddenly, one rat ran after the Pied Piper. Then, another rat ran after him. And another. Soon, all the rats ran after the Pied Piper.」


The end? No. Can't be the end of the story. We're only halfway through. I wonder what's gonna happen next. What do you think?


The Pied Piper walked towards the river, still playing the strange tune on his pipe. The rats followed him and jumped into the river. And that was the end of the rats.」


The end? No. I don't think it can be the end. Should we find out what happens next?


The Pied Piper went back to the mayor.」


"The rats have all gone," he said."Please give me the money you promised me."」


"No," said the mayor. "I have no money to give you."」


Now, this bit is really important. Remember this part of the story. The mayor had promised the Pied Piper that he would give him lots of money if he got rid of the rats. The Pied Piper has got rid of the rats, he's asked the mayor for his money, but the mayor has said, "No."


How do you think the Pied Piper's gonna feel about that?


I think you're right. He's not gonna be very happy, is he?


"If you don't give me the money," said the Pied Piper, "I will play another tune, and then you will not be so happy then."」


"You can do what you like," said the mayor.」


Oh, dear. Wonder if you can work out what the Pied Piper might do. Now, this is where the story which is only make-believe doesn't get very nice. Should we find out what happens?


So the Pied Piper went out into the streets and began to play another tune. In all the houses and in all the streets, the children stopped playing. Then one by one, they ran after the Pied Piper.」


So first of all, he got all the rats to follow him when he played his pipe. This time, he's got all the children to follow him. Oh, dear. This doesn't sound very nice, does it?


The people of Hamelin called the children to stop but the children didn't hear. They followed the Pied Piper through the streets and over the river. They followed the Pied Piper out of the town and up a mountain.」


Oh, dear. This doesn't sound very good, does it?


Suddenly, the mountain opened up and the Pied Piper went inside. The children followed him. Inside the mountain was a beautiful land full of trees and flowers and birds.」


Can you see the picture? It looks a bit like a magic land, a pretender land. Look at the colours of the trees. Look at all the little animals, there are some rabbits, some butterflies and a deer, and some birds flying above.


A pink tree which looks a little bit like it's made of cotton candy or candy floss. And look there's a blue tree. I don't normally see blue trees, do we?


But one little boy had hurt his leg and he couldn't keep up with the other children. He saw his friends go into the mountain but he was too late to follow them.」


Oh, dear. Look at the boy, he hurts his foot. He has a bandage on his foot, he can't keep up. And those two wooden things are called "crutches". Remember we had the story of Heidi, about the girl that was in the wheelchair.


Sometimes if you hurt your foot, you have to be in a wheelchair. Other times you're given crutches which can help you to walk. You don't have to put your poorly foot down but it means you have to go very slowly.


And look, what someone's dropped on the ground? Yes, someone's dropped their dolly or their doll. That's a bit sad, isn't it?


The little boy went back to the town and went to see the mayor.」


"My friends are inside the mountain with the Pied Piper," he said. "They will never come back."」


Oh, dear. What do you think the mayor is thinking now. Do you think he's wishing that he'd given the Pied Piper the money that he owed him?


Look at all the adults, they all look very worried because all the children have disappeared into the mountain, the pied piper.


The people of Hamelin were very unhappy.」


"Where are our children?" they shouted to the mayor. "You must go and find them."」


So the mayor went to look for the children. He looked for years and years and years. He is still looking for them now.」


Can you see he's got his long white beard? Because he's still searching for the missing children. Oh, dear.


so this is quite an unusual story. In most of the stories that we have, there's a really happy ending. But in this story, it's not a sad ending, but it leaves us with not really an answer.


The story doesn't really finish, it's almost like we're waiting for another chapter of this story, about the children being found and being taken back to the town of Hamelin. But this story doesn't have a really happy ending. And I'm gonna tell you why.


During the plague, lots of people died. Millions of people. And because this disease was on these rats, for a lot of young children who would sometimes play outside, there were often more rats in the streets.


So sometimes in towns, what you would find is that a lot of the children had died. They had caught the plague because they often played outside where the rats were.


And people didn't realize that the disease was on the rats. Also in town, sometimes people who were very old also died because they were very frail.


And there were stories about some towns where the plague had happened, where a lot of the children had sadly died. And sometimes folk tales are stories which aren't really true, but they're there to explain something that happens.


And some people believe this story came about because someone came into the town and said "Where are all the children?" and then someone else said came into the town and said, "Where are all the children?".


And rather than saying, "Well, were they just all died." which isn't very nice, some stories started going, "Oh, there was once a man called the Pied Piper. And I'm gonna tell you the story of him. And that's the reason why all the children disappeared. And the mayor is still looking for them, and one day he will bring them back."


So that's why this story doesn't have a very happy ending. There we are, we've learned lots today.


